
WIRED[1] is an event display system which allows users to visualize single event data on any platform using JAS 3 (Java Analysis Studio). Events can be browsed by WIRED from any source that can provide data in the HepRep standard[2]. Data can be particle physics events, detector geometries, or any other hierarchical graphics information. HepRep data can be supplied to WIRED in XML format from files, converted from some other format on the fly, or by using communication mechanisms such as CORBA or RMI.

WIRED 4 is an experiment independent plugin module for JAS 3. It is written in pure Java and runs on any platform that runs Java and JAS 3[3]. These platforms include the whole range of Windows operating systems (95, 98, ME, 2000, NT and XP), MacOS X, Linux and other Unix systems. WIRED 4 handles data in the HepRep standard. To supply WIRED 4 with the necessary HepRep you need other plugin modules, some of which may be experiment specific. To handle HepRep XML files you need to install the HepRep plugin, see installation. See the appendix for your experiment (BaBar, GLAST, Linear Collider, Geant4) to see what plugins to load into JAS.

The WIRED 4 system takes HepRep data, runs it through some projection and displays it on the screen. The following features are currently available in WIRED 4:

  • Data Access
    • Access HepRep 2 data.
    • Access HepRep 1 data via converter.
    • Browse multiple events in XML format in either plain files, zip files or gzipped files.
  • Interactivity
    • Selection of multiple euclidian and non-euclidian projections: Parallel, FishEye, RhoZ, etc.
    • Interactive scaling, translation and rotation, including feedback.
    • Interactive changes to settings such as projectsions, global variables, etc...
    • Advanced picking of pre-selected objects and showing physics (and non-physics) information from the HepRep data.
    • 3D translations using picking, for instance to select a calorimeter hit and center it for rotation.
    • Tree representation of HepRep data to control the detector and or event visibility.
    • Almost all interactive commands can be undone and redone.
  • Output
    • Layering of Hits on Tracks on Geometry, making all visible at any time.
    • Change of quality settings for both display and file output.
    • Low quality output in bitmap graphics formats, such as PNG and GIF.
    • High quality output in vector graphics formats, such as PostScript, PDF, EMF, SVG, Macromedia Flash and others.
    • Copy on the Windows platform to the clipboard (in EMF format) for pasting in PowerPoint or Word.

Among the features on the list for post version 4.0 are:

  • Interactive cuts on physics (and non physics) information, so users can for instance hide all tracks below a certain energy.
  • Scripting to allow users to run small programs to manipulate the HepRep data.
  • Labeling of objects on the screen.
  • Interactive 3D translations using orthogonal views.
  • Full implementation to save the state of the application.
  • Use of the plugin to create histograms in JAS 3.
  • Other user requests.