Release Notes

WIRED 4.3.6

  • Comply with security requirements introduced in Java Web Start 1.7.0_51.
  • Update for compatibility with JRE 1.7.0_45 and later.

WIRED 4.3.0

  • WIRED has been re-packaged to work with Jas 3.0.0 and later. Unlike earlier releases of Jas 3, version 3.0.0 standard distribution contains only a minimal set of built-in plugins. Installing WIRED 4 plugin through the plugin manager will also install all other extensions required to run WIRED.

WIRED 4.2.5

  • Graphics properties (plot background color, selected instances display method, HepRep line attributes rendering, and others) are now configurable, both globally and on a per-plot basis.
  • JDK 1.7 compatibility issues are fixed.
  • OS X compatibility issue is fixed.
  • Full support for the new functionality provided by the Jas3 record loop plugin, including random access to records in a data source.
  • Miscellaneous user interface fixes and improvements.
  • Based on Jas3 version 0.9.9.

WIRED 4.2.3

Releases not described above were maintenance releases that did not affect WIRED functionality.