Release Notes
WIRED 4.3.6
Comply with security requirements introduced in Java Web Start 1.7.0_51.
Update for compatibility with JRE 1.7.0_45 and later.
WIRED 4.3.0
WIRED has been re-packaged to work with Jas 3.0.0 and later. Unlike earlier releases of Jas 3,
version 3.0.0 standard distribution contains only a minimal set of built-in plugins. Installing
WIRED 4 plugin through the plugin manager will also install all other extensions required to run WIRED.
WIRED 4.2.5
Graphics properties (plot background color, selected instances display method,
HepRep line attributes rendering, and others) are now configurable, both globally
and on a per-plot basis.
JDK 1.7 compatibility issues are fixed.
OS X compatibility issue is fixed.
Full support for the new functionality provided by the Jas3 record loop plugin, including
random access to records in a data source.
Miscellaneous user interface fixes and improvements.
Based on Jas3 version 0.9.9.
Releases not described above were maintenance releases that did not affect WIRED functionality.