- AbstractDrawAs - Class in hep.wired.heprep.representation
- AbstractDrawAs() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.representation.AbstractDrawAs
- AbstractProjection - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
Base class for projections.
- AbstractProjection() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.AbstractProjection
Creates a projection with the classname as name.
- AbstractProjection(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.AbstractProjection
Creates a named projection.
- add(InteractionHandler) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- add(InteractionHandler, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- add(Projection) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CompositeProjection
Adds a projection to the end of the list.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.VariablePanel
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.tree.HepRepTree
- addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.AddVariable
- addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.GraphicsModeEdit
- addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.MultiplyVariable
- addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.SetProjection
- addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.SetVariable
- addHandler(InteractionHandler, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HepRepInfoPanel
Adds interaction handler to this HepRepInfoPanel.
- addInteraction(InteractionHandler, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.InteractionPanel
Adds a button for selecting the specified InteractionHandler to this panel.
- addListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- addListener(ChangeListener, HepRepPanelModel.Event.Type...) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- addLocationListener(LocationListener) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.ClickToSetLocation
Add a location listener, to be informed when the location changes.
- AddVariable - Class in hep.wired.heprep.edit
- AddVariable(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.edit.AddVariable
Creates a variable edit.
- AddVariable(String, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.edit.AddVariable
Creates a variable edit.
- addVariable(String, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.feature.NamedVariables
- addVariable(String, int) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.feature.NamedVariables
- addVariable(String, double, double, double, String, String) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
Adds a named variable with minimum, maximum and default value.
- addVariable(String, int, int, int, String, String) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
Adds a named variable with minimum, maximum and default value.
- addVariable(String, boolean, String) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
Adds a named variable with default value.
- addVariable(String, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
- addVariable(String, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
- adjustFilename(File, Properties) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.XMLHepRepExportFileType
- altKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- altKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- antiAlias - Variable in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
- apply(JComponent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
- arc(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double[][]) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PolyPoint
Converts an arc into a polypoint.
- arc(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double[][]) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PolyPoint
Converts an arc into a polypoint.
- Arrow - Class in hep.wired.heprep.util
Defines an Arrow shape, see figure:

- Arrow(Point2D, Point2D, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.util.Arrow
- Arrow(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.util.Arrow
- ARROW_BOTH - Static variable in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Attributes
- ARROW_END - Static variable in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Attributes
- ARROW_NONE - Static variable in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Attributes
- ARROW_START - Static variable in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Attributes
- AttributeCache - Class in hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel
Cache for subscribed attributes
- AttributeCache(VectorGraphics, HepRepGraphicsMode, HepRepIterator) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.AttributeCache
Creates a cache for subscribed attributes.
- Attributes - Interface in hep.wired.heprep.services
Interface for subscribed attributes
- AttributeTableModel - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
TableModel for HepRep Attributes.
- AttributeTableModel(List<Flag>) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.AttributeTableModel
- canSetPickWhileDragging() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickHandler
- canSetPickWhileDragging() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickInteractionHandler
- CategoryTableModel - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
TableModel for HepRep Attribute Categories.
- CategoryTableModel(List<Flag>) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CategoryTableModel
- changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.ClickToSetLocation
- changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragRectangleToPick
- changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragToChangeClock
- changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragToChangeFishEye
- changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragToMeasure
- changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HoverToPick
- changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- changed() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CategoryTableModel
- changed() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.LayerTableModel
- checkHepRep(HepRep) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
- circle(double, double, double, double, double, double, double[][]) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PolyPoint
Converts a circle into a polypoint.
- clearShape(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragRectangleToPick
- clearShape(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HoverToPick
- clearShape(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickInteractionHandler
- ClickToSetLocation - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
Click mouse to set a location.
- ClickToSetLocation() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.ClickToSetLocation
Create a click to set location handler.
- ClickToSetLocation(boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.ClickToSetLocation
Create a click to set location handler.
- ClockProjection - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
Shows azimuthal region in detail while displaying the full 360 degrees.
- ClockProjection() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ClockProjection
- clone() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Returns a copy of this panel, attached to this panel's model.
- clone(HepRep) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.tree.HepRepTreeModel
Creates and returns a new tree model containing objects from the specified heprep,
with expansion and mark states of all nodes copied from this HepRepTreeModel.
- closePath(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.InsideRectanglePathConstructor
Closes the current path, called from addPath.
- closePath(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NearestPointPathConstructor
Closes the current path, called from addPath.
- closeStream() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- closeStream() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NullGraphics2D
- closeStream() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PathGraphics2D
- compareKeys(Object, Object, int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.AttributeTableModel
- compareKeys(Object, Object, int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CategoryTableModel
- compareKeys(Object, Object, int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.InstanceTableModel
- compareKeys(Object, Object, int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.LayerTableModel
- component() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
- CompositeProjection - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
Sequence of projections.
- CompositeProjection() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CompositeProjection
Creates a composite projection.
- CompositeProjection(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CompositeProjection
Creates a named empty composite projection.
- CompositeProjection(String, Projection[]) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CompositeProjection
Creates a named composite projection filled with the given array of
- contains(HepRepPanelModel.Event.Type) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel.Event
- contains(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Arrow
- contains(double, double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Arrow
- contains(Point2D) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Arrow
- contains(Rectangle2D) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Arrow
- control() - Method in enum hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin.IH
- ControlPanel - Class in hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel
Base class for control panels used by WIRED.
- ControlPanel(String, String, Icon, InteractionHandler) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.ControlPanel
- convertValueToText(Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.tree.HepRepTree
- copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.AddVariable
- copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.GraphicsModeEdit
- copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.MultiplyVariable
- copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.SetProjection
- copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.SetVariable
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Returns a deep copy of this panel.
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.AbstractProjection
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ClockProjection
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CompositeProjection
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CylindricalFishEyeProjection
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.NullProjection
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.XY
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.XZ
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.YZ
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.ZX
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.ZY
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.XY
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.XZ
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.YZ
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.ZX
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.ZY
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.RhoZ
- copy() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.RhoZProjection
- copy() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Projection
Returns a deep copy of the projection.
- copyArea(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- copyArea(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NullGraphics2D
- copyArea(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PathGraphics2D
- create() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- create(double, double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- create() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NullGraphics2D
- create(double, double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NullGraphics2D
- create() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PathGraphics2D
- create(double, double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PathGraphics2D
- createWiredView(String, HepRep, HepRepPanel, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
Creates a new WIRED plot.
- ctrlKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- ctrlKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- ctrlMetaKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- ctrlMetaKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- cubic(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NearestPointPathConstructor
Adds a cubic bezier to the path, called from addPath.
- currentHepRepInstance(HepRepInstance) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel.InstanceListener
- currentInstance - Variable in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickInteractionHandler
- cut - Static variable in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Keys
- cutConditionOptions - Static variable in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Keys
- CutData - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
- CutData() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutData
- CutPanel - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
- CutPanel() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutPanel
- Cuts - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
- CylindricalFishEyeProjection - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
Blows up the center of the plot cylindrically while squeezing the outer
- CylindricalFishEyeProjection() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CylindricalFishEyeProjection
- defaultProjections - Static variable in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.AbstractProjection
- defaultScaleFactor - Static variable in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- DefaultWiredInteractionHandler - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
Base class for WIRED interaction handlers.
- DefaultWiredInteractionHandler(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DefaultWiredInteractionHandler
- deltaTransform(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.AbstractProjection
- deltaTransform(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ClockProjection
- deltaTransform(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CompositeProjection
- deltaTransform(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CylindricalFishEyeProjection
- deltaTransform(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- deltaTransform(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.NullProjection
- deltaTransform(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- deltaTransform(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection
- deltaTransform(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.RhoZProjection
- deltaTransform(double[]) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Projection
Returns an array of length 3: uvw = delta projection(xyz).
- display(HepRep) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
- distanceSq() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NearestPointPathConstructor
Returns squared distance from the arbitrary point to the nearest point on
- DragRectangleToPick - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
InteractionHandler that allows user to pick objects by drawing a rectangle on the plot.
- DragRectangleToPick() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragRectangleToPick
- DragToChangeClock - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
Drag/click mouse to scale plot.
- DragToChangeClock() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragToChangeClock
Create a drag handler to generate scale edits.
- DragToChangeFishEye - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
Drag/click mouse to scale plot.
- DragToChangeFishEye() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragToChangeFishEye
Create a drag handler to generate scale edits.
- DragToMeasure - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
Drag/click to measure distances in 2D on the plot.
- DragToMeasure() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragToMeasure
Create a rectangle handler to generate scale edits.
- draw(VectorGraphics, boolean, List, Set, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
- draw(VectorGraphics, HepRepInstance, Attributes, GraphicsMode, Projection, ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCircle
- draw(VectorGraphics, HepRepInstance, Attributes, GraphicsMode, Projection, ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCurve
- draw(VectorGraphics, HepRepInstance, Attributes, GraphicsMode, Projection, ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCylinder
- draw(VectorGraphics, HepRepInstance, Attributes, GraphicsMode, Projection, ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipse
- draw(VectorGraphics, HepRepInstance, Attributes, GraphicsMode, Projection, ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipsePrism
- draw(VectorGraphics, HepRepInstance, Attributes, GraphicsMode, Projection, ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipsoid
- draw(VectorGraphics, HepRepInstance, Attributes, GraphicsMode, Projection, ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsLine
- draw(VectorGraphics, HepRepInstance, Attributes, GraphicsMode, Projection, ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPoint
- draw(VectorGraphics, HepRepInstance, Attributes, GraphicsMode, Projection, ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPolygon
- draw(VectorGraphics, HepRepInstance, Attributes, GraphicsMode, Projection, ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPrism
- draw(VectorGraphics, HepRepInstance, Attributes, GraphicsMode, Projection, ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsText
- draw(VectorGraphics, HepRepInstance, Attributes, GraphicsMode, Projection, ViewPort) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.DrawAs
Draws an HepRepInstance into VectorGraphics using given Attributes.
- draw(Shape) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- draw(Shape) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NullGraphics2D
- draw(Shape) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PathGraphics2D
- DrawAs - Interface in hep.wired.heprep.services
Converts a HepRepInstance (and its attributes and HepRepPoints) into a visual
representation on the plot.
- DrawAsCache - Class in hep.wired.heprep.representation
Cache to register and lookup "DrawAs" values.
- DrawAsCache() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCache
- DrawAsCircle - Class in hep.wired.heprep.representation
Draws one or more circles, centered on HepRepPoints with given "Radius",
positioned using "Phi" and "Theta".
- DrawAsCircle() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCircle
- DrawAsCurve - Class in hep.wired.heprep.representation
Draws a cubic bezier curve specified by the HepRepPoint control points.
- DrawAsCurve() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCurve
- DrawAsCylinder - Class in hep.wired.heprep.representation
Draws one or more cylinders, where a couple of HepRepPoints specify the faces
centers, with given "Radius", positioned using "Phi" and "Theta".
- DrawAsCylinder() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCylinder
- DrawAsEllipse - Class in hep.wired.heprep.representation
Draws one or more ellipses, centered at HepRepPoints, with given "Radius" and
"Radius2", positioned using "Phi", "Theta" and "Omega".
- DrawAsEllipse() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipse
- DrawAsEllipsePrism - Class in hep.wired.heprep.representation
Draws one or more cylinders with elliptical faces, centered at HepRepPoints,
with given "Radius" and "Radius2", positioned using "Phi", "Theta" and
- DrawAsEllipsePrism() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipsePrism
- DrawAsEllipsoid - Class in hep.wired.heprep.representation
Draws one or more ellipsoids, centered on HepRepPoints with given "Radius",
"Radius2" and "Radius3", positioned by "Phi", "Theta" and "Omega".
- DrawAsEllipsoid() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipsoid
- DrawAsLine - Class in hep.wired.heprep.representation
Draws one or more line segments, given by HepRepPoints.
- DrawAsLine() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsLine
- DrawAsPoint - Class in hep.wired.heprep.representation
Draws one or more marker of type "MarkName" and size "MarkSize", centered at
- DrawAsPoint() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPoint
- DrawAsPolygon - Class in hep.wired.heprep.representation
Draws a closed set of lines, given a set of HepRepPoints.
- DrawAsPolygon() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPolygon
- DrawAsPrism - Class in hep.wired.heprep.representation
Draws a prism, where one face is given by the first half of the HepRepPoints
and the other by the second half of the HepRepPoints.
- DrawAsPrism() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPrism
- DrawAsText - Class in hep.wired.heprep.representation
Draws text in the plot, positioned using "HPos" and "VPos" and aligned using
"HAlign" and "VAlign".
- DrawAsText() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsText
- drawFrames - Variable in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
- drawGlyphVector(GlyphVector, float, float) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- drawGlyphVector(GlyphVector, float, float) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NullGraphics2D
- drawGlyphVector(GlyphVector, float, float) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PathGraphics2D
- drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator, float, float) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- drawString(TagString, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- drawString(String, double, double, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- drawString(TagString, double, double, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- drawString(String, double, double, int, int, boolean, Color, double, boolean, Color) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- drawString(TagString, double, double, int, int, boolean, Color, double, boolean, Color) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator, float, float) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NullGraphics2D
- drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator, float, float) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PathGraphics2D
- drawSymbol(VectorGraphics, double, double, double, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PathGraphics2D
- get(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.InstanceTableModel
- get() - Method in enum hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin.IH
Returns interaction handler associated with this enum constant.
- getAttCategories() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getBestCursor(String, int, int) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.image.WiredImage
Returns the best cursor for given name, relative to this class.
- getBestCursor(String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.image.WiredImage
Returns the best cursor for given name, relative to this class.
- getBooleanVariable(String) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.feature.NamedVariables
- getBooleanVariable(String) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
- getBoundingBox() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
Returns the current bounding box.
- getBoundingBoxForPlot() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Returns the bounding box for this plot in its current
- getBounds() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Arrow
- getBounds2D() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Arrow
- getCategories(HepRep) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.WiredHepRepUtil
- getCategories(List) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.WiredHepRepUtil
- getCategories(Set) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.WiredHepRepUtil
- getCenterPoint(HepRepInstance) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.WiredHepRepUtil
Calculates a center point of all points within this instance (and points
of subinstances).
- getColor() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.AttributeCache
- getColor() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Attributes
Current color
- getControl() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- getControl() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.TreeSelection
- getControlPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
Returns current control page, null if no control page is available.
- getCurrentDefinitions() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutPanel
- getCurrentDefinitions(Cut) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutPanel
- getCurrentPageContext() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
- getCutPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
- getCutSet() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getData() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutData
- getDefaultInteractionHandler() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.ControlPanel
Returns default interaction handler currently associated with this panel.
- getDefinition(String) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutPanel
- getDefinitions() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutPanel
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.XMLHepRepExportFileType
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.ClickToSetLocation
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Cuts
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragRectangleToPick
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragToChangeClock
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragToChangeFishEye
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragToMeasure
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HoverToPick
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Interaction
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Picking
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.TreeSelection
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Variables
- getDescription(String) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
Return the description
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCircle
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCurve
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCylinder
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipse
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipsePrism
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipsoid
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsLine
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPoint
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPolygon
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPrism
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsText
- getDescription() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.DrawAs
Describes what this DrawAs value does.
- getDeviceConfiguration() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- getDeviceConfiguration() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NullGraphics2D
- getDeviceConfiguration() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PathGraphics2D
- getDoubleVariable(String) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.feature.NamedVariables
- getDoubleVariable(String) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
- getDrawAs() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.AttributeCache
- getDrawAs() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Attributes
Current DrawAs value
- getExpandedPaths() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.tree.HepRepTreeModel
Returns a list of expanded paths, in order of decreasing path length.
- getExtensions() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.XMLHepRepExportFileType
- getFeature(Class) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Returns the feature for a specific featureClass, or null if that
featureClass if not in the projection of this panel.
- getFeature(Class) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.AbstractProjection
Returns feature if supported by this projection.
- getFeature(Class) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CompositeProjection
- getFeature(Class) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Projection
Return Feature if implemented, otherwise null.
- getFillColor() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.AttributeCache
- getFillColor() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Attributes
Current fill color
- getFormat() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.VariablePanel
- getFormula() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.AbstractProjection
- getFormula() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ClockProjection
- getFormula() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CompositeProjection
- getFormula() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CylindricalFishEyeProjection
- getFormula() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- getFormula() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.NullProjection
- getFormula() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- getFormula() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection
- getFormula() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.RhoZProjection
- getFormula() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Projection
Returns the formula in text readable form
- getFrameColor() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.AttributeCache
- getFrameColor() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Attributes
Current frame color
- getFrameWidth() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.AttributeCache
- getFrameWidth() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Attributes
Current frame line width
- getGraphicsMode() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Returns the GraphicsMode.
- getGraphicsMode() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
Returns default graphics mode.
- getHeight() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- getHepRepInfoPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
- getHepRepName(Object) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.WiredHepRepUtil
- getIcon() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.ControlPanel
Returns icon associated with this panel.
- getIcon(String) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.image.WiredImage
Returns an icon for given name, relative to this class.
- getIcon(String, int) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.image.WiredImage
Returns an icon for given name, relative to this class.
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.ClickToSetLocation
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Cuts
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragRectangleToPick
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragToChangeClock
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragToChangeFishEye
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragToMeasure
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HoverToPick
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Interaction
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Picking
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.TreeSelection
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Variables
- getID() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- getID() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.AbstractProjection
- getID() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.AbstractDrawAs
- getImage(String) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.image.WiredImage
Returns an image for given name, relative to this class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Cuts
- getInstance() - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Interaction
- getInstance() - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Picking
- getInstance() - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.TreeSelection
- getInstance() - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Variables
- getInstancesAndChildren(Collection) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.WiredHepRepUtil
- getInstancesDepth() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getInstancesMaxDepth() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getInstancesModel() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getIntegerVariable(String) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.feature.NamedVariables
- getIntegerVariable(String) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
- getInteractionHandler() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.ControlPanel
Returns interaction handler currently associated with this panel.
- getInteractionHandler() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- getInteractionHandler() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
Returns current interaction handler.
- getInteractionPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
- getKey() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCircle
- getKey() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCurve
- getKey() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCylinder
- getKey() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipse
- getKey() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipsePrism
- getKey() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipsoid
- getKey() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsLine
- getKey() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPoint
- getKey() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPolygon
- getKey() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPrism
- getKey() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsText
- getKey() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.DrawAs
Returns DrawAs key
- getLayers() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.LayerTableModel
- getLineWidth() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.AttributeCache
- getLineWidth() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Attributes
Current line width
- getMarkedObjects() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.tree.HepRepTreeModel
Returns a set of objects in "marked" nodes, excluding levels 0 and 1.
- getMarkedObjects(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.tree.HepRepTreeModel
Returns a set of objects in "marked" nodes in levels 2 through maxLevel.
- getMarkSize() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.AttributeCache
- getMarkSize() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Attributes
Current marker size
- getMarkSymbol() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.AttributeCache
- getMarkSymbol() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Attributes
Current marker symbol
- getMaximumDepth() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.tree.HepRepTreeModel
- getMIMETypes() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.XMLHepRepExportFileType
- getMissingDrawAsValues() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Returns a set of DrawAs values for which no DrawAs service was available.
- getModel() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
- getModelTranslation(double[], ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- getModelTranslation(double[], ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.AddVariable
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.MultiplyVariable
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.SetVariable
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Flag
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.AbstractProjection
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCircle
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCurve
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsCylinder
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipse
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipsePrism
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsEllipsoid
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsLine
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPoint
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPolygon
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsPrism
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.representation.DrawAsText
- getName() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.DrawAs
Returns a short name.
- getName() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Projection
Returns the name of the projection.
- getName(Object) - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.tree.HepRepTreeModel
Returns the name of the specified HepRep object - to be used in display and sorting.
- getNearestPoint(Point2D) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.feature.HasNearestPoint
- getNearestPoint(Point2D) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
- getNearestPoint() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NearestPointPathConstructor
Returns nearest point on path, nearest to the given arbitrary point, or
null if path is empty.
- getNextPanelNumber() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
Returns the number of times this method has been called on this HepRepPanelModel.
- getNumberOfPlots() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
- getPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Cuts
- getPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Interaction
- getPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Picking
- getPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Variables
- getPathIterator(AffineTransform, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Arrow
- getPathIterator(AffineTransform) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Arrow
- getPick() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getPickableLayerNames() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getPickableLayers() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getPickableTypes() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getPickableTypesModel() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getPlot() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
Returns current WiredPlot, null if there is none.
- getPlotModels() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
Returns a list of all plot models that are attached to plots.
- getPlugin() - Static method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.SetLocationPanel
- getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.AddVariable
- getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.GraphicsModeEdit
- getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.MultiplyVariable
- getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.SetProjection
- getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.edit.SetVariable
- getProjection() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Returns the projection for this panel.
- getProjections() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CompositeProjection
Returns the list of projections.
- getProperties() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
Returns user properties for this plugin.
- getRecord() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Returns the HepRep instance currently displayed in this panel.
- getRecord() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
Returns currently loaded HepRep record.
- getRowCount() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.AttributeTableModel
- getScale() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- getScale() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- getScreenTranslation(double[], ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- getScreenTranslation(double[], ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- getSelection() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getShownSet() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CategoryTableModel
- getTranslate() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- getTranslate() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- getTreePanel() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
- getTypes() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel.Event
- getTypes() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HepRepCut
- getTypesDepth() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getTypesMaxDepth() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getTypesModel() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- getTypeTree() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HepRepCut
- getUnit(String) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
Return the unit, or null;
- getValue(String) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
- getValue(String) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.GraphicsMode
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.AttributeTableModel
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CategoryTableModel
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.InstanceTableModel
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.LayerTableModel
- getVariableNames() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.feature.NamedVariables
- getVariableNames() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
Return set of variable names
- getVariables() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
- getVariables() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
Returns a list of all variables
- getViewPort() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Returns the viewport for this panel.
- getViewPort() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.AbstractProjection
- getViewPort() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Projection
Returns the associated viewport.
- getVisibleInstances() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
- getVisibleTypes() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
- getWidth() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- getXYZ() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.SetLocationPanel
Returns the chosen XYZ location.
- GraphicsMode - Interface in hep.wired.heprep.services
Defines the general graphics mode for each plot.
- GraphicsModeEdit - Class in hep.wired.heprep.edit
Generic Edit for changing the GraphicsMode.
- GraphicsModeEdit(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.edit.GraphicsModeEdit
- GraphicsModeEdit(String, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.edit.GraphicsModeEdit
- GraphicsModeEdit(String, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.edit.GraphicsModeEdit
- GraphicsModeEdit(String, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.edit.GraphicsModeEdit
- handlers - Variable in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- hasChanged() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutData
Returns true if any attributes have changed (or were removed) since the last call to this method.
- hashCode() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Flag
- hasLineArrow() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.AttributeCache
- hasLineArrow() - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Attributes
Current line has arrow
- HasNearestPoint - Interface in hep.wired.heprep.feature
Can calculate a nearest point on an object.
- hep.wired.heprep.edit - package hep.wired.heprep.edit
Standard Edits.
- hep.wired.heprep.feature - package hep.wired.heprep.feature
The feature interfaces, implemented by graphics panels, projections, etc.
- hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel - package hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel
The HepRep graphics panel and its support classes.
- hep.wired.heprep.image - package hep.wired.heprep.image
Icons and Cursors.
- hep.wired.heprep.interaction - package hep.wired.heprep.interaction
Standard Interaction Handlers for plots.
- hep.wired.heprep.plugin - package hep.wired.heprep.plugin
The WIRED plugin and its support classes.
- hep.wired.heprep.projection - package hep.wired.heprep.projection
Standard Projections and their Features.
- hep.wired.heprep.representation - package hep.wired.heprep.representation
Standard Representations (DrawAs) for WIRED.
- hep.wired.heprep.services - package hep.wired.heprep.services
The Services provided by and to WIRED.
- hep.wired.heprep.standalone - package hep.wired.heprep.standalone
- hep.wired.heprep.tree - package hep.wired.heprep.tree
- hep.wired.heprep.util - package hep.wired.heprep.util
Mathematics and Graphics Utility classes.
- heprepBackground - Static variable in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Keys
- HepRepCut - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
- HepRepCut() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HepRepCut
- HepRepCut(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HepRepCut
- HepRepGraphicsMode - Class in hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel
Defines the general graphics mode for each plot.
- HepRepGraphicsMode() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
Creates HepRepGraphicsMode with default properties.
- HepRepGraphicsMode(boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
Creates HepRepGraphicsMode optimized for fast drawing.
- HepRepGraphicsMode(HepRepGraphicsMode, HepRepPanel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
Creates a copy of the specified HepRepGraphicsMode, attached to the specified graphics panel.
- HepRepInfoPanel - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
Panel to show HepRep attribute information.
- HepRepInfoPanel() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HepRepInfoPanel
- HepRepPanel - Class in hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel
Graphics panel to display HepReps.
- HepRepPanel(HepRepGraphicsMode) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Creates a HepRep panel of dimension 800x600.
- HepRepPanel(HepRepGraphicsMode, HepRepPanelModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Creates a HepRep panel of dimension 800x600.
- HepRepPanel(HepRepGraphicsMode, ViewPort, HepRepPanelModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Creates a HepRep panel of dimension 800x600 with the specified ViewPort.
- HepRepPanel.InstanceListener - Interface in hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel
- HepRepPanelCommandHandler - Class in hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel
Defines a command handler for plot commands.
- HepRepPanelCommandHandler(RecordPlot) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelCommandHandler
Creates a command handler attached to the plot.
- HepRepPanelModel - Class in hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel
Class that encapsulates state and settings associated with
- HepRepPanelModel() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- HepRepPanelModel(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- HepRepPanelModel(HepRepPanelModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- HepRepPanelModel.Event - Class in hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel
- HepRepPanelModel.Event.Type - Enum in hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel
- heprepPluginNewView - Static variable in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Keys
- heprepProjection - Static variable in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Keys
- HepRepTree - Class in hep.wired.heprep.tree
- HepRepTree() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.tree.HepRepTree
- HepRepTree(WiredTreeModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.tree.HepRepTree
- HepRepTreeModel - Class in hep.wired.heprep.tree
- HepRepTreeModel(HepRep, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.tree.HepRepTreeModel
- HepRepTreeModel(HepRepTreeModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.tree.HepRepTreeModel
- hit(Rectangle, Shape, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- hit(Rectangle, Shape, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NullGraphics2D
- hit(Rectangle, Shape, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PathGraphics2D
- HoverToPick - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
Hover mouse near to object to show info.
- HoverToPick() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HoverToPick
- paintComponent(VectorGraphics) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Paints the HepRep into this panel.
- ParallelProjection - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
3D parallel projection of (X,Y,Z) into (U,V,W).
- ParallelProjection() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
Creates a 3D parallel projection.
- ParallelProjection(Matrix3D) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- ParallelProjection(Matrix3D, Matrix3D) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
Used for cloning
- ParallelProjection.XY - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
- ParallelProjection.XY() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.XY
- ParallelProjection.XY(Matrix3D, Matrix3D) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.XY
- ParallelProjection.XZ - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
- ParallelProjection.XZ() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.XZ
- ParallelProjection.XZ(Matrix3D, Matrix3D) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.XZ
- ParallelProjection.YZ - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
- ParallelProjection.YZ() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.YZ
- ParallelProjection.YZ(Matrix3D, Matrix3D) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.YZ
- ParallelProjection.ZX - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
- ParallelProjection.ZX() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.ZX
- ParallelProjection.ZX(Matrix3D, Matrix3D) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.ZX
- ParallelProjection.ZY - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
- ParallelProjection.ZY() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.ZY
- ParallelProjection.ZY(Matrix3D, Matrix3D) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection.ZY
- pass(Map<String, Value>, Object, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HepRepCut
Tells the client whether this cut is satisfied by the supplied data.
- path() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
- PathGraphics2D - Class in hep.wired.heprep.util
Forwards all drawing to a given pathconstructor, as objects are drawn into
this Graphics2D context.
- PathGraphics2D(PathConstructor) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.util.PathGraphics2D
Create a path graphics context with dimension 800x600.
- PathGraphics2D(PathGraphics2D, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.util.PathGraphics2D
Create a sub context.
- PerspectiveProjection - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
3D perspective projection of (X,Y,Z) into (U,V,W).
- PerspectiveProjection() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection
Creates a 3D perpective projection.
- PerspectiveProjection(Matrix3D) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection
- PerspectiveProjection(Matrix3D, Matrix3D) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection
Used for cloning
- PerspectiveProjection.XY - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
- PerspectiveProjection.XY() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.XY
- PerspectiveProjection.XY(Matrix3D, Matrix3D) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.XY
- PerspectiveProjection.XZ - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
- PerspectiveProjection.XZ() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.XZ
- PerspectiveProjection.XZ(Matrix3D, Matrix3D) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.XZ
- PerspectiveProjection.YZ - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
- PerspectiveProjection.YZ() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.YZ
- PerspectiveProjection.YZ(Matrix3D, Matrix3D) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.YZ
- PerspectiveProjection.ZX - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
- PerspectiveProjection.ZX() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.ZX
- PerspectiveProjection.ZX(Matrix3D, Matrix3D) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.ZX
- PerspectiveProjection.ZY - Class in hep.wired.heprep.projection
- PerspectiveProjection.ZY() - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.ZY
- PerspectiveProjection.ZY(Matrix3D, Matrix3D) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection.ZY
- pickedInstances - Variable in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickInteractionHandler
- PickHandler - Interface in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
Interface to be implemented by object picking tools.
- Picking - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
- pickingAttributeOptions - Static variable in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Keys
- pickingCategory - Static variable in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Keys
- pickingInstanceOptions - Static variable in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Keys
- pickingLayer - Static variable in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Keys
- PickInteractionHandler - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
Base class for interaction handlers that pick objects on a WIRED plot..
- PickInteractionHandler(String, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickInteractionHandler
- pickWhileDragging - Variable in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickInteractionHandler
- plugin - Variable in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredGlobalCommandHandler
- pointFound(Point2D, double, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NearestPointPathConstructor
Called when a closer or equal point is found, so that the subclass can
use this to track some other information, such as keeping a reference to
the closest object(s).
- PolyPoint - Class in hep.wired.heprep.util
Converts primitives into polypoints, for use in drawing as polylines or
- postInit() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
- Projection - Interface in hep.wired.heprep.services
Transforms coordinates in one system (X, Y, Z) into coordinates of another
system (X', Y', Z').
- ProjectionFeature - Interface in hep.wired.heprep.services
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.AbstractProjection
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CompositeProjection
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.PerspectiveProjection
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
- saveTreeState(String) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.tree.HepRepTreeModel
- scale(double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- scale(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- scale(double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- scale(double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- scale(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- selectedInstances - Variable in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickInteractionHandler
- selectionChangeColorSelected - Variable in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
- selectionColorSelected - Variable in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
- selectionColorSelected - Static variable in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Keys
- selectionColorUnselected - Variable in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
- selectionColorUnselected - Static variable in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Keys
- selectionLineWidthMultiplier - Variable in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
- selectionModify - Variable in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
- selectionWidth - Static variable in class hep.wired.heprep.util.Keys
- set(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.Flag
- setApplyImmediately(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- setAttribute(HepRepInstance, String, String, String, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutData
- setAttribute(HepRepInstance, String, Color, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutData
- setAttribute(HepRepInstance, String, long, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutData
- setAttribute(HepRepInstance, String, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutData
- setAttribute(HepRepInstance, String, double, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutData
- setAttribute(HepRepInstance, String, boolean, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutData
- setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
- setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.SetLocationPanel
- setControlPanel(ControlPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
Sets current control panel.
- setControlPanel(ControlPanel, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
Sets current control panel.
- setCutSet(CutSet) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.tree.TreePanel
- setFastMode(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
- setFormat(ScientificFormat) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.VariablePanel
- setGraphicsMode(HepRepGraphicsMode) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
- setHepRepInstanceListener(HepRepPanel.InstanceListener) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
- setIcon(Icon) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.ControlPanel
Sets icon associated with this panel.
- setInstance(HepRepInstance) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.AttributeTableModel
- setInstancesDepth(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- setInstancesDepth(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- setInteractionHandler(InteractionHandler) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.ControlPanel
Sets interaction handler associated with this panel.
- setInteractionHandler(PickHandler, RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HepRepInfoPanel
Sets PickHandler instance associated with this HepRepInfoPanel.
- setInteractionHandler(InteractionHandler) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HepRepInfoPanel
Associates the specified InteractionHandler with this panel.
- setInteractionHandler(InteractionHandler) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.InteractionPanel
Associates the specified InteractionHandler with this panel.
- setInteractionHandler(InteractionHandler) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- setInteractionHandler(InteractionHandler) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
Sets current interaction handler.
- setLocation(RecordPlot, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.ClickToSetLocation
Sets (and fixes) the location of this handler.
- setLocation(RecordPlot, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.interaction.LocationListener
Sets (and fixes) a location.
- SetLocationPanel - Class in hep.wired.heprep.interaction
Panel to specify a 3D location in an UV and its 90 degree rotated WV and UW
- SetLocationPanel(RecordPlot, JButton) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.SetLocationPanel
- setModel(HepRepPanelModel) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
- setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.tree.HepRepTree
- setName(String) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- setPaintMode() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- setPaintMode() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NullGraphics2D
- setPaintMode() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PathGraphics2D
- setPick(Collection<HepRepInstance>, Object) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
Called by picking tools to inform this model that a new set of instances has been picked.
- setPickWhileDragging(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickHandler
- setPickWhileDragging(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickInteractionHandler
- SetProjection - Class in hep.wired.heprep.edit
Set a projection for the plot.
- SetProjection(Projection) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.edit.SetProjection
Creates a projection edit with given projection.
- setProjection(Projection) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Sets the projection for this panel.
- setPropertiesPrefix(String) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
Sets prefix to be appended to properties used by this plugin before they are saved into application properties.
- setRecord(HepRep) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.ControlPanel
Called when a new record is loaded into WIRED plugin.
- setRecord(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
Sets the HepRep to be displayed in this panel and repaints.
- setRecord(HepRep) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- setRecord(HepRep) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutPanel
Called when a new record is loaded into WIRED plugin.
- setRecord(HepRep) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HepRepCut
- setRecord(RecordPlot, Object) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HoverToPick
- setRecord(RecordPlot, Object) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickInteractionHandler
- setRecord(RecordPlot, Object) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- setScale(double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- setScale(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- setScale(double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- setScale(double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- setScale(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.ControlPanel
Called when this panel is selected or deselected.
- setSelected(RecordPlot, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutPanel
Called when this panel is selected or deselected.
- setSelected(RecordPlot, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DefaultWiredInteractionHandler
Called when underlying plot is selected/unselected.
- setSelected(RecordPlot, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragRectangleToPick
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HepRepInfoPanel
Called when this panel is selected or deselected.
- setSelected(RecordPlot, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HoverToPick
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.InteractionPanel
Called when this panel is selected or deselected.
- setSelected(RecordPlot, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickInteractionHandler
- setSelected(RecordPlot, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.VariablePanel
Called when this panel is selected or deselected.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.tree.TreePanel
Called when this panel is selected or deselected.
- setSelection(Collection<HepRepInstance>, Object) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
Sets current selection, informs listeners.
- setSelection(RecordPlot, Set<HepRepInstance>) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickHandler
Informs the plot of newly picked objects.
- setSelection(RecordPlot, Set<HepRepInstance>) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickInteractionHandler
Informs the plot of new set of picked instances.
- setShownCategories(List<Flag>) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.AttributeTableModel
- setSize(RecordPlot, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragRectangleToPick
- setSize(RecordPlot, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- setTranslate(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- setTranslate(double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- setTranslate(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
- setTypesDepth(int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- setTypesDepth(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanelModel
- setTypesTree(HepRepTreeModel) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HepRepCut
- setValue(String, Object) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepGraphicsMode
- setValue(String, Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.GraphicsMode
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CategoryTableModel
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.LayerTableModel
- SetVariable - Class in hep.wired.heprep.edit
- SetVariable(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.edit.SetVariable
Creates a variable edit.
- SetVariable(String, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.heprep.edit.SetVariable
Creates a variable edit.
- setVariable(String, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.feature.NamedVariables
- setVariable(String, int) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.feature.NamedVariables
- setVariable(String, boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.feature.NamedVariables
- setVariable(String, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
Sets the value of a named variable.
- setVariable(String, int) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
Sets the value of a named variable.
- setVariable(String, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.VariableProjection
Sets the value of a named variable.
- setVariables(List) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.VariablePanel
- setViewPort(ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.AbstractProjection
- setViewPort(ViewPort) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CompositeProjection
- setViewPort(ViewPort) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Projection
Sets the associated viewport.
- setXORMode(Color) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.BoundingBoxGraphics2D
- setXORMode(Color) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.NullGraphics2D
- setXORMode(Color) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.util.PathGraphics2D
- shear(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.FlatProjection
- shear(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.ParallelProjection
Shears the viewpoint.
- shiftKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragToMeasure
- shiftKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- shiftKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.DragToMeasure
- shiftKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.RoutingInteractionHandler
- showConditionEditor(ConditionEditor) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutPanel
- showHairLines - Variable in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.ClickToSetLocation
- showWired(WiredPage, Icon, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
- shutdown() - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.plugin.WiredPlugin
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.HepRepInfoPanel
Handles update from the plot model.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.PickInteractionHandler
Updates plot in response to picking options changes.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.VariablePanel
- subscribeTo(HepRepIterator, Set<String>) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.interaction.CutData
- supports(Class) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.graphicspanel.HepRepPanel
- supports(Class) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.AbstractProjection
- supports(Class) - Method in class hep.wired.heprep.projection.CompositeProjection
- supports(Class) - Method in interface hep.wired.heprep.services.Projection
Return true if this (composite) projection implements this featureClass.