- get() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanCondition
Returns null since boolean condition criteria are unmodifiable.
- get() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Returns criteria used by this condition.
- get() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Returns the acceptance range.
- get() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Returns the acceptance range.
- get() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
Returns the acceptance range.
- get() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
Returns the set of strings that satisfy this condition.
- getActionDelete() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- getActionLoad() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- getActionNew() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- getActionSave() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- getActionsButton() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
- getActionsButton() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- getApplyWhileChangingBox() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
- getBestCursor(String, int, int) - Static method in class hep.wired.image.WiredBaseImage
Returns the best cursor for given name, relative to this class.
- getBestCursor(String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class hep.wired.image.WiredBaseImage
Returns the best cursor for given name, relative to this class.
- getBooleanVariable() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
Returns the value of a named variable.
- getBoundingBoxForPlot() - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.HasBoundingBox
- getBranchState() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
- getCellEditor(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
- getCellEditorValue() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellEditor
- getCellRenderer(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
- getClosedIcon() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer.NoIconTreeCellRenderer
- getColumnClass(int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor.ConditionTableModel
- getColumnClass(int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
- getColumnCount() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor.ConditionTableModel
- getColumnCount() - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
- getColumnName(int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor.ConditionTableModel
- getColumnName(int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
- getComponentHeight() - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
- getComponentWidth() - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
- getCondition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.ConditionEditor
Returns Condition being edited.
- getCondition(int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Returns condition specified by the index.
- getCondition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleSliderEditor
- getCondition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerSliderEditor
- getCondition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionEditor
Returns Condition being edited.
- getConditionEditor(ConditionDefinition.Type) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
- getConditionNames() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Returns a set of names of all enabled conditions in this CutSet.
- getConditions() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Returns the list of conditions in this cut.
- getConditionsTable() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
- getCurrentDefinitions() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.CutManager
Returns a set of condition definitions applicable to the currently loaded record.
- getCurrentDefinitions(Cut) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.CutManager
Returns a set of condition definitions applicable to the currently loaded record and the specified cut.
- getCut() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Returns the Cut this Condition belongs to.
- getCut() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Returns the Cut this Condition belongs to.
- getCutEditor() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- getCuts() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Returns a set of all cuts this CutSet knows about - both enabled and disabled.
- getCuts() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- getCutTable() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- getDefault() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
- getDefault() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
- getDefault() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
- getDefaultNumber() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- getDefaultNumber() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- getDefaultNumber() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
- getDefaultValue() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
- getDefaultValue() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedIntegerRangeModel
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- getDefinition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Returns ConditionDefinition associated with this condition.
- getDefinition() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Returns ConditionDefinition associated with this condition.
- getDefinition(String) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.CutManager
Returns ConditionDefinition with the specified name.
- getDefinition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
Returns ConditionDefinition associated with this condition.
- getDefinitions() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.CutManager
Returns a set of all known condition definitions.
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Returns a brief description of the condition.
- getDescription() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Returns a brief description of the condition.
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.NullInteractionHandler
- getDescription() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Returns a one line description.
- getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
- getDescription() - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
- getDeterminant() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
- getDeterminant() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the determinant.
- getDomain() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanConditionDefinition
Returns the domain of possible values for the condition.
- getDomain() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Returns the domain of possible values for the condition.
- getDomain() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleConditionDefinition
Returns the domain of possible values for the condition.
- getDomain() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerConditionDefinition
Returns the domain of possible values for the condition.
- getDomain() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongConditionDefinition
Returns the domain of possible values for the condition.
- getDomain() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionDefinition
Returns the domain of possible values for the condition.
- getDoubleVariable() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
Returns the value of a named variable.
- getEnableBox() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- getEnabledConditions() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Returns a set of enabled conditions.
- getExtent() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
- getExtent() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
- getExtent() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- getExtent() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- getExtent() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- getFeature(Class) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Returns the feature if available
- getFlags() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
- getFormat() - Method in class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
- getFormat() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- getFormat() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
- getGraphicsPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Returns the associated Graphics Panel.
- getGraphicsPanel() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns the associated Graphics Panel.
- getHeight() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
- getHeight() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Returns the height of the interaction panel.
- getHeight() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns height of plot.
- getHideDisabledBox() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
- getHigh() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleSliderEditor
Returns high bound of the range in slider coordinates.
- getHighField() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
- getIcon(String) - Static method in class hep.wired.image.WiredBaseImage
Returns an icon for given name, relative to this class.
- getIcon(String, int) - Static method in class hep.wired.image.WiredBaseImage
Returns an icon for given name, relative to this class.
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
- getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
- getIcon(int) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Returns associated icon
- getID() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredCompoundEdit
- getID() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
- getID() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
- getID() - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
- getID() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.WiredRegistry.ID
- getID() - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
- getImage(String) - Static method in class hep.wired.image.WiredBaseImage
Returns an image for given name, relative to this class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
- getInstance() - Static method in class hep.wired.interaction.NullInteractionHandler
- getIntegerVariable() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
Returns the value of a named variable.
- getInteractionHandler() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Return the current interaction handler.
- getInteractionHandler() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.DelegatingInteractionHandler
- getInteractionHandler() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Return the current interaction handler.
- getInvertBox() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- getKeys() - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
- getLastScale() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
- getLeafIcon() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer.NoIconTreeCellRenderer
- getLow() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleSliderEditor
Returns low bound of the range in slider coordinates.
- getLowField() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
- getMarkBox() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
- getMarkedObjects() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
- getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Returns high bound of the acceptance range.
- getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Returns high bound of the acceptance range.
- getMaximum() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
- getMaximum() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
- getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
- getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
- getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Returns low bound of the acceptance range.
- getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Returns low bound of the acceptance range.
- getMinimum() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
- getMinimum() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
- getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
- getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
- getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- getModel() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- getModel() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTree
- getModel() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
- getModelTranslation(double[], ViewPort) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable
Returns Model translation from screen translation.
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Returns the name of this definition.
- getName() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Returns the name of this definition.
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Returns the name of the cut.
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Returns the name of the plot.
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
- getName() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Returns the name of the Interaction Handler.
- getName() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns the name of the plot.
- getName() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.ViewPort
Returns the name of the View Port.
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
- getName() - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
- getName() - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
- getNameLabel() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
- getNode() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.MarkEvent
- getNumber() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- getNumber() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- getNumber() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
- getObject() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
- getObject() - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
- getOpenIcon() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer.NoIconTreeCellRenderer
- getOrientation() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- getPaintLabels() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- getPaintTicks() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- getPaintTrack() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- getPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.ConditionEditor
Returns GUI for this editor.
- getPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderEditor
- getPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionEditor
Returns GUI for this editor.
- getPassThroughBox() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- getPayload() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
- getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.NoOperation
- getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Reset
- getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
- getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Scale
- getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetScale
- getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetTranslate
- getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Shear
- getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
- getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Translate
- getRecord() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Returns current record object.
- getRecord() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Returns the Record displayed in this panel.
- getRecord() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns the current Object.
- getRecordPlot() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredCompoundEdit
Returns the record plot to which this edit was sent.
- getRecordPlot() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
Returns the record plot to which this edit was sent.
- getRecordPlot() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
- getRedoString() - Method in class hep.wired.util.WiredUndoManager
- getResetButton() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
- getRoot() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
- getRootPath() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
- getRotateInstance(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns a rotate matrix to rotate theta radians over unit vector (nx, ny,
- getRotateInstance(double, double, double) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns a rotate matrix to rotate omega over the Z-axis, theta over the
X-axis, followed phi over the Y-axis.
- getRotation(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the angle and unit vector of the rotation matrix of this matrix.
- getRowCount() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor.ConditionTableModel
- getRowCount() - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
- getRowCount() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
- getScale() - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable2D
Returns current scale
- getScale() - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable3D
Returns current scale
- getScaleX() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
- getScaleX() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the sx value (m00).
- getScaleY() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
- getScaleY() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the sy value (m11).
- getScaleZ() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the sz value (m22).
- getScreenTranslation(double[], ViewPort) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable
Returns Screen translation from model translation.
- getSelectedCondition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
Returns currently selected condition.
- getSelectedCut() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- getSelectionModel() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
- getShape() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.AnimatedWiredEdit
Returns the initial shape.
- getShapes(Shape, int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.AnimatedWiredEdit
Returns an array of 'frames' shapes deformed from the given initial
- getShapes(Shape, int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
- getShapes(Shape, int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Scale
- getShapes(Shape, int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Shear
- getShapes(Shape, int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
- getShapes(Shape, int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Translate
- getShearX() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
- getShearY() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
- getSlider() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
- getSortOnColumn() - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
- getSource() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.MarkEvent
- getStatus() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanCondition
Returns status string describing what attribute values satisfy this condition in its current state.
- getStatus() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Returns status string describing what attribute values satisfy this condition in its current state.
- getStatus() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Returns status string describing what attribute values satisfy this condition in its current state.
- getStatus() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Returns status string describing what attribute values satisfy this condition in its current state.
- getStatus() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
Returns status string describing what attribute values satisfy this condition in its current state.
- getStatus() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
Returns status string describing what attribute values satisfy this condition in its current state.
- getTranslate() - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable2D
Return current translation
- getTranslate() - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable3D
Return current translation
- getTranslateX() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
- getTranslateX() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the tx value (m03).
- getTranslateY() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
- getTranslateY() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the ty value (m13).
- getTranslateZ() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the tz value (m23).
- getTreeCellEditorComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellEditor
- getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer
- getType() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanConditionDefinition
Returns the type of this condition.
- getType() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Returns the type of this condition.
- getType() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.ConditionEditor
Returns the type of condition handled by this editor.
- getType() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleConditionDefinition
Returns the type of this condition.
- getType() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerConditionDefinition
Returns the type of this condition.
- getType() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongConditionDefinition
Returns the type of this condition.
- getType() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionDefinition
Returns the type of this condition.
- getType() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionEditor
Returns the type of condition handled by this editor.
- getType() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableChangeEvent
- getUndoableEditSupport() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Returns the undo support object, or null if undo was not switched on.
- getUndoableEditSupport() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns the undo support object, or null if undo was not switched on.
- getUndoString() - Method in class hep.wired.util.WiredUndoManager
- getUnit() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Returns the unit name for conditions based on numerical value.
- getUnit() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Returns the unit name for conditions based on numerical value.
- getUnit() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
- getUnit() - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
- getUnit() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
- getValue() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
- getValue() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
- getValue() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- getValue() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- getValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
- getValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
- getValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- getValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
- getValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- getValue() - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor.ConditionTableModel
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
- getValueIsAdjusting() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Returns valueIsAdjusting property.
- getValueIsAdjusting() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Returns valueIsAdjusting property.
- getValueIsAdjusting() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedNumberRangeModel
- getValueIsAdjusting() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- getValueIsAdjusting() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
- getViewPort() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Returns the viewport for this panel.
- getWidth() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
- getWidth() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Returns the width of the interaction panel.
- getWidth() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns width of plot.
- getX() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns X of plot.
- getY() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns Y of plot.
- GraphicsPanel - Interface in hep.wired.services
Interface for panel to display.
- GraphicsPanelEdit - Interface in hep.wired.edit
Interface for edits handled by changing the graphics panel.
- rangePropertiesChanged(BoundedDoubleRangeModel, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- rangePropertiesChanged(BoundedIntegerRangeModel, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedIntegerRangeModel
- RecordPlot - Interface in hep.wired.services
Defines a single event display plot.
- RectangularViewPort - Class in hep.wired.viewport
Defines a Rectangular Viewport using x0, y0, width and height.
- RectangularViewPort() - Constructor for class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
Creates a rectangular viewport of (0, 0, 800, 600).
- RectangularViewPort(Rectangle2D, int, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
Creates a rectangular viewport from given rectangle.
- RectangularViewPort(double, double, double, double, int, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
Creates a rectangular viewport from given parameters.
- redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.NoOperation
- redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Reset
- redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
- redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Scale
- redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetScale
- redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetTranslate
- redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Shear
- redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
- redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Translate
- remove() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Called when this definition is being deleted.
- remove() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Signals to all registered conditions that this definition is being deleted.
- remove(Condition) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Removes the specified condition from this cut.
- remove() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Called when this Cut needs to be deleted.
- remove(Cut) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Removes the specified cut from this CutSet.
- remove(EventListener) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
Removes a listener from this multicaster and returns the
resulting multicast listener.
- remove(AncestorListener, AncestorListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(CaretListener, CaretListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(CellEditorListener, CellEditorListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(ChangeListener, ChangeListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(DocumentListener, DocumentListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(HyperlinkListener, HyperlinkListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(InternalFrameListener, InternalFrameListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(ListDataListener, ListDataListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(ListSelectionListener, ListSelectionListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(MenuDragMouseListener, MenuDragMouseListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(MenuKeyListener, MenuKeyListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(MenuListener, MenuListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(PopupMenuListener, PopupMenuListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(TableColumnModelListener, TableColumnModelListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(TableModelListener, TableModelListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(TreeExpansionListener, TreeExpansionListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(TreeModelListener, TreeModelListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(TreeSelectionListener, TreeSelectionListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(TreeWillExpandListener, TreeWillExpandListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- remove(UndoableEditListener, UndoableEditListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- removeAll() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Removes all conditions from this cut.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Removes change listener.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Removes change listener.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Removes a listener.
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Removbes a change listener
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedNumberRangeModel
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
- removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
- removeCondition(Condition) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Unregisters the specified Condition.
- removeCondition(Condition) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Unregisters the specified Condition.
- removeCutSet(CutSet) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Removes the specified CutSet from the list of known sets.
- removeDisabled() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Removes disabled conditions from this cut.
- removeFlag(WiredTreeNode.Flag) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
- removeInternal(EventListener, EventListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- removeMarkListener(WiredTreeModel.MarkListener) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
- removeSelectionPath(TreePath) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeSelectionModel
- removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeSelectionModel
- removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- repaint() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
- repaint() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Repaint the plot
- requestFocusInWindow() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
- requestFocusInWindow() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Requests focus in plot
- reset() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Resets condition to its default state.
- reset() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Resets condition to its default state.
- reset() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Resets all conditions to their default state.
- reset() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
Resets condition to its default state.
- Reset - Class in hep.wired.edit
Resets the plot to its initial state.
- Reset() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Reset
Creates a Reset edit.
- reset(Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Resetable
Resets graphics panel to a new state or its initial state.
- reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
- reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
- reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
- reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
- reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
- reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
- reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
- reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called to reset the interaction handler in its initial state.
- Resetable - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can be reset to its initial state.
- resetValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- resetValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- resetValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
- restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
- restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
- restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
- restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
- restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
- restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
- restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
- restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
- restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
- restoreExpansionState() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTree
- restoreValue(Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
- restoreValue(Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
- restoreValue(Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
- restoreValue(Element) - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
- Rotate - Class in hep.wired.edit
Rotates a plot in 2D or 3D.
- Rotate() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
Creates a rotate edit with no rotation.
- Rotate(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
Creates a rotate edit with given rotation.
- Rotate(double, double, double, double, Shape, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
Creates a rotate edit with given rotation, animation shape and number of
- rotate(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Rotateable2D
Rotates viewpoint in Z-plane over theta radians.
- rotate(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Rotateable3D
Rotate theta radians over unit vector (nx,ny,nz).
- rotate(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Rotates theta radians.
- rotate(double, double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Rotates theta radians over unit vector (nx, ny, nz).
- Rotateable2D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can rotate viewpoint in Z-plane.
- Rotateable3D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can rotate viewpoint over arbitrary vector in 3D.
- rotateX(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Rotate phi radians over x-axis, where y to z is a positive rotation.
- rotateY(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Rotate theta radians over y-axis, where z to x is a positive rotation.
- rotateZ(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Rotate omega radians over z-axis, where x to y is a positive rotation.
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
- save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
- saveValue(Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
- saveValue(Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
- saveValue(Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
- saveValue(Element) - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
- Scale - Class in hep.wired.edit
Scales a plot in 2D or 3D.
- Scale() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Scale
Creates a scale edit with no scaling done.
- Scale(double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Scale
Creates a scale edit with uniform given scale factor.
- Scale(double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Scale
Creates a scale edit with given scale factors.
- Scale(double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Scale
Creates a scale edit with given scale factors.
- Scale(double, double, double, Shape, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Scale
Creates a scale edit with given scale factor, animation shape and number
of frames.
- scale(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable
Scales by factor s.
- scale(double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable2D
Scales by factor sx,sy.
- scale(double, double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable3D
Scales by factor sx, sy, sz.
- scale(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Scales by sx and sy.
- scale(double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Scales by sx, sy and sz.
- Scaleable - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can scale uniformely.
- Scaleable2D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can scale in 2D.
- Scaleable3D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can scale in 3D.
- ScientificTable - Class in hep.wired.util
Improved table supporting, variable width columns, multi-type cells per
column, Color as a celltype, sorting on columns, tooltips on cells, etc.
- ScientificTable() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
- ScientificTable(int, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
- ScientificTable(Object[][], Object[]) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
- ScientificTable(TableModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
- ScientificTable(TableModel, TableColumnModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
- ScientificTable(TableModel, TableColumnModel, ListSelectionModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
- ScientificTable(Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
- Script - Interface in hep.wired.services
Interface implemented by a converter to create a script of edits in a certain
- set(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanCondition
Does nothing since boolean condition criteria are unmodifiable.
- set(Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Sets criteria to be used by this condition.
- set(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Sets the acceptance range.
- set(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Sets the acceptance range.
- set(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
Sets the acceptance range.
- set(Collection<String>) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
Sets the set of strings that satisfy this condition.
- set(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
Sets criteria to be used by this condition.
- setActionDelete(Action) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- setActionLoad(Action) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- setActionNew(Action) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- setActionSave(Action) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- setBorderPaintedFlat(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
- setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
- setBranchComplete(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
- setCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTree
- setChanged() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
- setCondition(Condition) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.ConditionEditor
Sets Condition to be edited.
- setCondition(Condition) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderEditor
- setCondition(Condition) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionEditor
Sets Condition to be edited.
- setConditionEditor(ConditionDefinition.Type, ConditionEditor) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
- setCursor(Cursor) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Sets the cursor of plot
- setCut(Cut) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Sets the Cut this Condition belongs to.
- setCut(Cut) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Sets the Cut this Condition belongs to.
- setCut(Cut) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
- setCutSet(CutSet) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
Sets CutSet to be edited.
- setDefaultValue(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
- setDefaultValue(int) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
- setDefaultValue(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- setDefaultValue(int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedIntegerRangeModel
- setDefaultValue(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- setDefaultValue(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- setDomain(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanConditionDefinition
Sets the domain of possible values for the condition.
- setDomain(Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Sets the domain of possible values for the condition.
- setDomain(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleConditionDefinition
Sets the domain of possible values for the condition.
- setDomain(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleConditionDefinition
Sets the range of possible values for the condition.
- setDomain(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerConditionDefinition
Sets the domain of possible values for the condition.
- setDomain(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerConditionDefinition
Sets the range of possible values for the condition.
- setDomain(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongConditionDefinition
Sets the domain of possible values for the condition.
- setDomain(long, long) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongConditionDefinition
Sets the range of possible values for the condition.
- setDomain(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionDefinition
Sets the domain of possible values for the condition.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Enables or disables this condition.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Enables or disables this condition.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Sets whether or not this CutSet is enabled.
- setEnabled(Cut, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Sets whether or not the specified cut is enabled in this CutSet.
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.TitledPanel
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
- setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
- setExtent(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
- setExtent(int) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
- setExtent(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- setExtent(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- setExtent(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- setFastMode(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Switches to a fast mode for drawing (optional).
- setFlag(WiredTreeNode.Flag, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
- setFlags(WiredTreeNode.Flag...) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
- setFlags(EnumSet<WiredTreeNode.Flag>) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
- setFormat(ScientificFormat) - Method in class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
- setFormat(Format) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- setFormat(Format) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
- setHidden(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
- setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.TitledPanel
- setInteractionHandler(InteractionHandler) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Sets interaction handler on this plot.
- setInteractionHandler(InteractionHandler) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Sets the interaction handler on the plot.
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Sets inversion state of this condition.
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Sets inversion state of this condition.
- setInverted(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Sets whether or not this CutSet is inverted.
- setInverted(Cut, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Sets whether or not the specified cut is inverted in this CutSet.
- setKeys(List) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
- setLogarithmic(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- setManager(CutManager) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
- setMargin(Insets) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
- setMarkedBranch(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
- setMarkedNode(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
- setMaximum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Sets high bound of the acceptance range.
- setMaximum(int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Sets high bound of the acceptance range.
- setMaximum(long) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
Sets high bound of the acceptance range.
- setMaximum(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
- setMaximum(int) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
- setMaximum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- setMaximum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
- setMaximum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- setMaximum(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
- setMaximum(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- setMinimum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Sets low bound of the acceptance range.
- setMinimum(int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Sets low bound of the acceptance range.
- setMinimum(long) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
Sets low bound of the acceptance range.
- setMinimum(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
- setMinimum(int) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
- setMinimum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- setMinimum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
- setMinimum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- setMinimum(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
- setMinimum(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- setModel(SliderEditor) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Slider
- setModel(SliderEditor) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
Sets Condition to be edited.
- setModel(BoundedNumberRangeModel) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTree
- setModel(WiredTreeModel, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTree
- setModel(VariableSliderModel) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
- setName(String) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Sets the name of this cut.
- setOpaque(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
- setOrientation(int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- setPageContext(PageContext) - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
- setPaintLabels(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- setPaintTicks(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- setPaintTrack(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- setPathThrough(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Sets whether or not this CutSet is in "pass through" mode.
- setPayload(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
- setRange(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Sets the acceptance range.
- setRange(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Sets the acceptance range.
- setRange(long, long) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
Sets the acceptance range.
- setRangeProperties(double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
- setRangeProperties(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
- setRangeProperties(double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- setRangeProperties(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedIntegerRangeModel
- setRangeProperties(double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- setRangeProperties(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- setRecord(RecordPlot, Object) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
- setRecord(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Sets record to be displayed by this plot.
- setRecord(Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Sets the Record to be displayed in this panel.
- setRecord(RecordPlot, Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Sets the Record which is displayed in the GraphicsPanel.
- setRecord(Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Sets the plot to use this Object.
- setRecordPlot(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredCompoundEdit
To be called as part of the copy procedure to set the recordPlot
- setRecordPlot(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
To be called as part of the copy procedure to set the recordPlot
- setRoot(TreeNode) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
- setScale() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleSliderEditor
- SetScale - Class in hep.wired.edit
Set Scale of a plot in 2D or 3D.
- SetScale(double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.SetScale
- setScale(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable
Set scale to factor s.
- setScale(double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable2D
Set scales to factors sx,sy.
- setScale(double, double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable3D
Set scales to factors sx, sy, sz.
- setSelected(RecordPlot, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Called when this plot is selected or deselected.
- setSelected(RecordPlot, boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Designates the panel as selected.
- setSelected(RecordPlot, boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when underlying plot is selected/unselected.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Called when this plot is selected/unselected.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
- setSelectionPath(TreePath) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeSelectionModel
- setSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeSelectionModel
- setSize(RecordPlot, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
- setSize(RecordPlot, int, int) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Sets the size of the wired plot on the handler, to be able to move/resize
objects drawn by the handler.
- setState(BranchCheckBox.State) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
- setTitle(String) - Method in class hep.wired.util.TitledPanel
- SetTranslate - Class in hep.wired.edit
Set Translate a plot in 2D or 3D.
- SetTranslate(double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.SetTranslate
Creates a translate edit with given translation in model units.
- setTranslate(double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable2D
Set translate to tx and ty.
- setTranslate(double, double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable3D
Set translate to tx, ty and tz.
- setValue(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
- setValue(int) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
- setValue(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- setValue(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
- setValue(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
- setValue(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- setValue(String) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
- setValue(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
- setValue(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- setValue(String) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
- setValue(Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
- setValue(String) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor.ConditionTableModel
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Sets valueIsAdjusting property.
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Sets valueIsAdjusting property.
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Sets valueIsAdjusting property.
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedNumberRangeModel
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
- setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
- setVariable(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
- setVariable(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
- setVariable(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
- setVariable(Variable) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
- setVariables(List) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
- setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.TitledPanel
- Shear - Class in hep.wired.edit
Shears a plot in 2D.
- Shear() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Shear
Creates a shear edit with no shearing.
- Shear(double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Shear
Creates a shear edit with given shearing.
- Shear(double, double, Shape, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Shear
Creates a shear edit with given shearing, animation shape and number of
- shear(double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Shearable2D
Shear using shx and shy.
- shear(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Shears by shx and shy.
- shear(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Shears by shx and shy.
- Shearable2D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can shear in 2D.
- shiftKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
- shiftKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
- shiftKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
- shiftKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the shift key is pressed.
- shiftKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
- shiftKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
- shiftKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
- shiftKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the esc key is released.
- shouldSelectCell(EventObject) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellEditor
- showAnimation(int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.AnimatedWiredEdit
Shows frameNo in the plot by drawing its shape.
- showAnimation(int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
Called when the given frameNo is to be shown.
- showConditionEditor(ConditionEditor) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
- showConditionEditor(ConditionEditor) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.CutManager
Displays pre-initialized condition editor.
- size() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Returns the number of conditions in this cut.
- size() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Returns the number of enabled cuts in this CutSet.
- Slider - Class in hep.wired.cut
- Slider() - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.Slider
- Slider(SliderEditor) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.Slider
- slider - Variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
- SliderEditor - Class in hep.wired.cut
- SliderEditor(SliderPanel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.SliderEditor
- sliderName - Variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
- SliderPanel - Class in hep.wired.cut
- SliderPanel() - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
- sliderReset - Variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
- sliderUnit - Variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
- sliderValue - Variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
- sort(int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
- SortableListTableModel - Class in hep.wired.util
Keeps a list sorted in place.
- SortableListTableModel(String[], Class[], List) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
- startAnimation(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.AnimatedWiredEdit
Starts the animation by calling getShapes() to get the set of 'framed'
- startAnimation(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
Called when an animation is started.
- STATE - Static variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableChangeEvent
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Forwards the event to listeners if this CutSet is currently enabled.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderEditor
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionEditor
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
- StringCondition - Class in hep.wired.cut
based on comparison with
String set.
- StringCondition(StringConditionDefinition) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
- StringCondition(StringConditionDefinition, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
- StringCondition(StringConditionDefinition, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
- StringCondition(StringConditionDefinition, boolean, boolean, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
- StringConditionDefinition - Class in hep.wired.cut
- StringConditionDefinition(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionDefinition
- StringConditionDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionDefinition
- StringConditionEditor - Class in hep.wired.cut
- StringConditionEditor() - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionEditor
- supports(InteractionHandler) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Returns true if this plot (and its projection) supports the specified interaction handler.
- supports(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Returns true if given edit is supported, which may depend on the current
graphics panel.
- supports(Class) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Return true if feature is available
- supports(InteractionHandler) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns true if this plot (and its projection) supports the given
- SwingEventMulticaster - Class in hep.wired.util
A class which implements efficient and thread-safe multi-cast event
dispatching for the SWING events defined in the javax.swing.event package.
- SwingEventMulticaster(EventListener, EventListener) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- synchronize(Collection<ConditionDefinition>) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Removes conditions whose definitions are not in the supplied collection, creates and adds disabled condition
for every definition from the collection that is not already used by this cut.
- tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
- tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- test - Variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
- TitledPanel - Class in hep.wired.util
- TitledPanel(String, Component) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.TitledPanel
- TitledPanel(String, Component, Component) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.TitledPanel
- TitledPanel(String, Component, Component[]) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.TitledPanel
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.AnimatedWiredEdit
Returns a string representation of the edit.
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Scale
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetScale
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetTranslate
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Shear
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Translate
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredCompoundEdit
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
- toString(FitToWindow) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
- toString(NoOperation) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
- toString(Reset) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
- toString(Rotate) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
- toString(Scale) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
- toString(Shear) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
- toString(Transform2D) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
- toString(Translate) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
- toString(FitToWindow) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
- toString(NoOperation) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
- toString(Reset) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
- toString(Rotate) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
- toString(Scale) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
- toString(Shear) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
- toString(Transform2D) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
- toString(Translate) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.util.NullEvent
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.MarkEvent
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
- toString() - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
- toString() - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
- transform(double[]) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.ViewPort
Returns an array of length 3: uvw = viewport(xyz).
- transform(double[][], int) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.ViewPort
Returns an array of length 3*n: uvw[][n] = viewport(xyz[][n]).
- transform(double[], boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Transforms xyz by this matrix, using translation if delta is false.
- transform(double[][], int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Transforms xyz by this matrix for n points, using translation if delta is
- transform(double[], boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Transforms xyz by this matrix, using translation if delta is false.
- transform(double[][], int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Transforms xyz by this matrix for n points, using translation if delta is
- transform(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
- transform(double[][], int) - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
- Transform2D - Class in hep.wired.edit
Transforms a plot in 2D.
- Transform2D() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
Creates a transform edit with no changes.
- Transform2D(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
Creates a transform edit with given scaling, shearing and translation.
- Transform2D(double, double, double, double, double, double, Shape, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
Creates a transform edit with given scaling, shearing, translation,
animation shape and number of frames.
- Transformable2D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can be transformed in 2D, meaning Scaleable2D, Shearable2D, Translateable2D
and Rotateable2D.
- Transformable3D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can be transformed in 3D, meaning Scaleable3D, Translateable3D and
- Translate - Class in hep.wired.edit
Translates a plot in 2D or 3D.
- Translate() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Translate
Creates a translate edit with no translation.
- Translate(double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Translate
Creates a translate edit with given translation in model units.
- Translate(double, double, double, Shape, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Translate
Creates a translate edit with given translation in model units, animation
shape and number of frames.
- translate(double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable2D
Translate over tx and ty.
- translate(double, double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable3D
Translate over tx, ty and tz.
- translate(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Translates by tx and ty.
- translate(double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Translates by tx, ty and tz.
- Translateable - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can calculate translations from screen and model.
- Translateable2D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can translate in 2D.
- Translateable3D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can translate in 3D.
- translateAndScale(RecordPlot, Rectangle2D, boolean) - Static method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
- treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
- treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
- treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- treeWillCollapse(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
- treeWillExpand(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster