A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z _ 


AbstractCondition - Class in hep.wired.cut
Adapter for implementing Condition.
AbstractCondition(ConditionDefinition, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
AbstractConditionDefinition - Class in hep.wired.cut
Adapter for implementing ConditionDefinition.
AbstractConditionDefinition(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
AbstractConditionDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
AbstractInteractionHandler - Class in hep.wired.interaction
Near complete (null) implementation of an InteractionHandler.
AbstractInteractionHandler(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
Creates an AbstractInteractionHandler.
AbstractVariable - Class in hep.wired.variable
AbstractXMLIOFactory - Class in hep.wired.plugin
Factory to create objects by calling the default constructor.
AbstractXMLIOFactory() - Constructor for class hep.wired.plugin.AbstractXMLIOFactory
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor.ActionDelete
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor.ActionNew
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.OptionButton
add(Condition) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Adds condition to this cut.
add(Cut) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
Adds the specified cut.
add(JMenuItem) - Method in class hep.wired.util.InteractionMenu
add(AncestorListener, AncestorListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(CaretListener, CaretListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(CellEditorListener, CellEditorListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(ChangeListener, ChangeListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(DocumentListener, DocumentListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(HyperlinkListener, HyperlinkListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(InternalFrameListener, InternalFrameListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(ListDataListener, ListDataListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(ListSelectionListener, ListSelectionListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(MenuDragMouseListener, MenuDragMouseListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(MenuKeyListener, MenuKeyListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(MenuListener, MenuListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(PopupMenuListener, PopupMenuListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(TableColumnModelListener, TableColumnModelListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(TableModelListener, TableModelListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(TreeExpansionListener, TreeExpansionListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(TreeModelListener, TreeModelListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(TreeSelectionListener, TreeSelectionListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(TreeWillExpandListener, TreeWillExpandListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(UndoableEditListener, UndoableEditListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
add(MutableTreeNode) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
add(Object) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.WiredRegistry
addAll(Collection<? extends Condition>) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Adds change listener.
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Adds change listener.
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Adds a listener that will be notified of any changes in this CutSet, its enabled Cuts and Conditions.
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Adds a change listener
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedNumberRangeModel
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
addCutSet(CutSet) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Adds the specified CutSet to the list of known sets.
addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.FitToWindow
addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.NoOperation
addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Reset
addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Scale
addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetScale
addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetTranslate
addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Shear
addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
addEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Translate
addFlag(WiredTreeNode.Flag) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
addInternal(EventListener, EventListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
addMarkListener(WiredTreeModel.MarkListener) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
addSelectionPath(TreePath) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeSelectionModel
addSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeSelectionModel
addToDomain(Value) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanConditionDefinition
Updates the domain to ensure it contains the specified value.
addToDomain(Value) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Updates the domain to ensure it contains the specified value.
addToDomain(Value) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleConditionDefinition
Updates the domain to ensure it contains the specified value.
addToDomain(double) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleConditionDefinition
Updates the domain to ensure it contains the specified value.
addToDomain(Value) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerConditionDefinition
Updates the domain to ensure it contains the specified value.
addToDomain(int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerConditionDefinition
Updates the domain to ensure it contains the specified value.
addToDomain(Value) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongConditionDefinition
Updates the domain to ensure it contains the specified value.
addToDomain(long) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongConditionDefinition
Updates the domain to ensure it contains the specified value.
addToDomain(Value) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionDefinition
Updates the domain to ensure it contains the specified value.
addToDomain(String) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionDefinition
Updates the domain to ensure it contains the specified value.
allClasses(Class) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.WiredRegistry
allInstances(Class) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.WiredRegistry
allInstances(Class, String) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.WiredRegistry
altKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
altKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
altKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
altKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the alt key is pressed.
altKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
altKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
altKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
altKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the alt key is released.
ancestorAdded(AncestorEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
ancestorMoved(AncestorEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
ancestorRemoved(AncestorEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
AnimatedWiredEdit - Class in hep.wired.edit
Base class for an animated single edit.
AnimatedWiredEdit() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.AnimatedWiredEdit
Creates an animated edit with zero frames and no shape.
AnimatedWiredEdit(Shape, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.AnimatedWiredEdit
Creates an animated edit with given initial shape and number of frames.


base - Variable in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredBaseCommandHandler
beginUpdate() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
If multiple edits need to count as one major update, call this method to start a compound edit.
BooleanCondition - Class in hep.wired.cut
Condition based on comparison with boolean value.
BooleanCondition(ConditionDefinition) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.BooleanCondition
BooleanCondition(ConditionDefinition, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.BooleanCondition
BooleanConditionDefinition - Class in hep.wired.cut
Definition for conditions based on boolean value.
BooleanConditionDefinition(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.BooleanConditionDefinition
BooleanConditionDefinition(String, String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.BooleanConditionDefinition
BooleanVariable - Class in hep.wired.variable
BooleanVariable(String, Object, boolean, String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
BoundedDoubleRangeModel - Interface in hep.wired.util.slider
Like BoundedRangeModel but for double values.
BoundedIntegerRangeModel - Interface in hep.wired.util.slider
Like BoundedRangeModel but for number values.
BoundedNumberRangeModel - Interface in hep.wired.util.slider
Like BoundedRangeModel but for number values.
BranchCheckBox - Class in hep.wired.util.tree
BranchCheckBox() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
BranchCheckBox(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
BranchCheckBox.State - Enum in hep.wired.util.tree
BranchCheckBoxTest - Class in hep.wired.util.tree.test
BranchCheckBoxTest() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.test.BranchCheckBoxTest


canBeLogarithmic() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
caretUpdate(CaretEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.NullInteractionHandler
changeCursor(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called to allow the InteractionHandler to change the cursor.
changed() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
clearSelection() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeSelectionModel
clone() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
clone() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
close() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
columnAdded(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
columnMarginChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
columnMoved(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
columnRemoved(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
columnSelectionChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
command - Static variable in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
compareKeys(Object, Object, int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
compareKeys(Object, Object, int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
compareTo(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
compareTo(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.NumberVariable
concatenate(Matrix2D) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Concatenates this matrix with m, such that M' = M * m.
concatenate(Matrix3D) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Concatenates this matrix with m, such that M' = M * m.
Condition - Interface in hep.wired.cut
Condition that filter displayable objects based on a single attribute value.
ConditionDefinition - Interface in hep.wired.cut
Definition of a condition used to filter displayable objects based on a single attribute value.
ConditionDefinition.Type - Enum in hep.wired.cut
ConditionEditor - Class in hep.wired.cut
Base class for condition editors.
ConditionEditor() - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.ConditionEditor
contentsChanged(ListDataEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.FitToWindow
copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.NoOperation
copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Reset
copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Scale
copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetScale
copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetTranslate
copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Shear
copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Translate
copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredCompoundEdit
Creates a copy of the compound edit and its contained edits.
copy(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
Creates a copy of the edit which is attached to the plot, and thus can be (re/un)done.
copy(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Returns a copy of this plot, attached to the given objects, from the given parameters.
copy() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Returns a copy of this graphics panel.
copy(String, Object, boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns a copy of this plot, attached to the given objects, from the given parameters.
copy() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.ViewPort
Returns a copy of the viewport
copy() - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
createCondition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Returns a new Condition object linked to this ConditionDefinition.
createCondition(boolean, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanConditionDefinition
Returns a new Condition object linked to this ConditionDefinition.
createCondition() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Returns a new Condition object linked to this ConditionDefinition.
createCondition(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Returns a new Condition object linked to this ConditionDefinition.
createCondition(boolean, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleConditionDefinition
Returns a new Condition object linked to this ConditionDefinition.
createCondition(boolean, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerConditionDefinition
Returns a new Condition object linked to this ConditionDefinition.
createCondition(boolean, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongConditionDefinition
Returns a new Condition object linked to this ConditionDefinition.
createCondition(boolean, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionDefinition
Returns a new Condition object linked to this ConditionDefinition.
createInverse() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
createInverse() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Creates and returns the inverse of this matrix.
createNormalized() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Create and returnes a normalized matrix of this matrix.
createObject(Class) - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.AbstractXMLIOFactory
createOrthonormalized() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Create and return the orthonormalized rotation matrix by using the Gram-Schmidt algorithm.
createTransformedShape(Component, Shape) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
createTransformedShape(Component, Shape) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Scale
createTransformedShape(Component, Shape) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Shear
createTransformedShape(Component, Shape) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
createTransformedShape(Component, Shape) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Translate
ctrlKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
ctrlKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the ctrl key is pressed.
ctrlKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
ctrlKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the ctrl key is released.
ctrlMetaKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
ctrlMetaKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
ctrlMetaKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the ctrl (other OSs) or meta (MacOS) key is pressed key is pressed.
ctrlMetaKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
ctrlMetaKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
ctrlMetaKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the ctrl (other OSs) or meta (MacOS) key is released.
Cut - Class in hep.wired.cut
Cut that can be applied to displayable objects.
Cut() - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Cut(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Cut.Result - Enum in hep.wired.cut
CutEditor - Class in hep.wired.cut
Class that maintains JTable of conditions in a Cut and controls that manipulate them.
CutEditor() - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
CutEditor.ConditionTableModel - Class in hep.wired.cut
Model for a table of Cut's conditions.
CutEditor.ConditionTableModel() - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor.ConditionTableModel
CutManager - Interface in hep.wired.cut
Interface to be implemented by the component that manages cuts and displays editors.
CutSet - Class in hep.wired.cut
Set of cuts associated with an event display view.
CutSet() - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
CutSet(CutSet) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
CutSetEditor - Class in hep.wired.cut
GUI elements and logic for editing CutSets.
CutSetEditor() - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
CutSetEditor.ActionDelete - Class in hep.wired.cut
CutSetEditor.ActionDelete() - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor.ActionDelete
CutSetEditor.ActionNew - Class in hep.wired.cut
CutSetEditor.ActionNew() - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor.ActionNew


DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel - Class in hep.wired.util.slider
Like DefaultBoundedRangeModel but for double values.
DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
DefaultBoundedIntegerRangeModel - Class in hep.wired.util.slider
Like DefaultBoundedRangeModel but for integer values.
DefaultBoundedIntegerRangeModel(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedIntegerRangeModel
DefaultInteractionHandler - Class in hep.wired.interaction
Default implementation of InteractionHandler that handles mouse wheel events to scroll, cursor keys to translate.
DefaultInteractionHandler(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
Creates a DefaultInteractionHandler.
DelegatingInteractionHandler - Interface in hep.wired.services
delete(Cut) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
Deletes the specified cut.
deltaTransform(double[]) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.ViewPort
Returns an array of length 3: uvw[] = viewport-delta(xyz[]).
deltaTransform(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
disable(Cut) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
doLayout() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Slider
DoubleCondition - Class in hep.wired.cut
Condition based on comparison with double range.
DoubleCondition(ConditionDefinition) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
DoubleCondition(ConditionDefinition, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
DoubleCondition(ConditionDefinition, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
DoubleCondition(ConditionDefinition, boolean, boolean, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
DoubleConditionDefinition - Class in hep.wired.cut
DoubleConditionDefinition(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.DoubleConditionDefinition
DoubleConditionDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.DoubleConditionDefinition
DoubleSliderEditor - Class in hep.wired.cut
DoubleSliderEditor(SliderPanel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.DoubleSliderEditor
DoubleVariable - Class in hep.wired.variable
DoubleVariable(String, Object, double, double, double, String, String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
DoubleVariableSliderModel - Class in hep.wired.variable
DoubleVariableSliderModel() - Constructor for class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
DoubleVariableSliderModel(DoubleVariable) - Constructor for class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
DragAngledRectangleToScale - Class in hep.wired.interaction
Drag/click mouse to define an (angled) rectangle to scale, rotate and translate plot.
DragAngledRectangleToScale() - Constructor for class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
Create a angled rectangle handler to generate scal edits.
DragBallToRotate - Class in hep.wired.interaction
Drag mouse to rotate plot using a virtual trackball.
DragBallToRotate() - Constructor for class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
Create a ball handler to generate rotate edits.
DragRectangleToScale - Class in hep.wired.interaction
Drag/click to define a rectangle to scale and translate the plot.
DragRectangleToScale() - Constructor for class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
Create a rectangle handler to generate scale edits.
DragToRotate - Class in hep.wired.interaction
Drag mouse to rotate plot in Z-plane.
DragToRotate() - Constructor for class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
Create a drag handler to generate rotate edits.
DragToScale - Class in hep.wired.interaction
Drag/click mouse to scale plot.
DragToScale() - Constructor for class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
Create a drag handler to generate scale edits.
DragToTranslate - Class in hep.wired.interaction
Drag/click mouse to translate plot.
DragToTranslate() - Constructor for class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
Create a drag handler to generate translate edits.
drawShape(Shape) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
drawShape(Shape) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Draws the shape for feedback/interactivity purposes
dumpList(EventListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster


Edit - Interface in hep.wired.services
A (undoable) change which can be sent to a plot.
editingCanceled(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
editingStopped(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
enable(Cut) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
enable(Cut, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
enableCopy(CommandState) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
enableDragAngledRectangleToScale(BooleanCommandState) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
enableDragBallToRotate(BooleanCommandState) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
enableDragRectangleToScale(BooleanCommandState) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
enableDragToRotate(BooleanCommandState) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
enableDragToScale(BooleanCommandState) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
enableDragToTranslate(BooleanCommandState) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
enableFitToWindow(CommandState) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
enablePrint(CommandState) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
enablePrintPreview(CommandState) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
enableRedo(CommandState) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
enableReset(CommandState) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
enableUndo(CommandState) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
endAnimation() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.AnimatedWiredEdit
Ends the animation by removing the last drawn shape from the plot and changing the plot to normal mode again.
endAnimation() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
Called when the animation is to be ended.
endUpdate() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
If multiple edits need to count as one major update, call this method to end a compound edit.
equals(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
Overridden to use interaction handler name in comparisons.
equals(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredXMLIOFactory
equals(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
equals(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
escKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
escKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the esc key is pressed.
escKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
escKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the esc key is released.


Feature - Interface in hep.wired.services
Top-level marker interface for feature implemented by the plot, graphics panel, projections, etc.
fireMarkChanged() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
fireMarkChanged(WiredTreeNode) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
fireStateChanged() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Makes the Cut associated with this Condition fire a ChangeEvent with this Condition as a source.
fireStateChanged() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
fireStateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
fireStateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
fireStateChanged() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
fireStateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Sends the event to listeners.
fireStateChanged() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
fireStateChanged(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
fireStateChanged() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
fireTableCellUpdated(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
fireTableDataChanged() - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
fireTableRowsDeleted(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
fireTableRowsInserted(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
fireTableRowsUpdated(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
fireTableStructureChanged() - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
FitToWindow - Class in hep.wired.edit
Fits plot to window by translation and scaling.
FitToWindow() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.FitToWindow
Creates a Fit to Window edit.
fixedScale - Static variable in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
fixedTranslate - Static variable in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
format(double) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Slider
format - Static variable in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit


get() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanCondition
Returns null since boolean condition criteria are unmodifiable.
get() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Returns criteria used by this condition.
get() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Returns the acceptance range.
get() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Returns the acceptance range.
get() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
Returns the acceptance range.
get() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
Returns the set of strings that satisfy this condition.
getActionDelete() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
getActionLoad() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
getActionNew() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
getActionSave() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
getActionsButton() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
getActionsButton() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
getApplyWhileChangingBox() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
getBestCursor(String, int, int) - Static method in class hep.wired.image.WiredBaseImage
Returns the best cursor for given name, relative to this class.
getBestCursor(String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class hep.wired.image.WiredBaseImage
Returns the best cursor for given name, relative to this class.
getBooleanVariable() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
Returns the value of a named variable.
getBoundingBoxForPlot() - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.HasBoundingBox
getBranchState() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
getCellEditor(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
getCellEditorValue() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellEditor
getCellRenderer(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
getClosedIcon() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer.NoIconTreeCellRenderer
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor.ConditionTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor.ConditionTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor.ConditionTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
getComponentHeight() - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
getComponentWidth() - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
getCondition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.ConditionEditor
Returns Condition being edited.
getCondition(int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Returns condition specified by the index.
getCondition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleSliderEditor
getCondition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerSliderEditor
getCondition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionEditor
Returns Condition being edited.
getConditionEditor(ConditionDefinition.Type) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
getConditionNames() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Returns a set of names of all enabled conditions in this CutSet.
getConditions() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Returns the list of conditions in this cut.
getConditionsTable() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
getCurrentDefinitions() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.CutManager
Returns a set of condition definitions applicable to the currently loaded record.
getCurrentDefinitions(Cut) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.CutManager
Returns a set of condition definitions applicable to the currently loaded record and the specified cut.
getCut() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Returns the Cut this Condition belongs to.
getCut() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Returns the Cut this Condition belongs to.
getCutEditor() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
getCuts() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Returns a set of all cuts this CutSet knows about - both enabled and disabled.
getCuts() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
getCutTable() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
getDefault() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
getDefault() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
getDefault() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
getDefaultNumber() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
getDefaultNumber() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
getDefaultNumber() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
getDefaultValue() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
getDefaultValue() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
getDefaultValue() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedIntegerRangeModel
getDefaultValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
getDefaultValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
getDefinition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Returns ConditionDefinition associated with this condition.
getDefinition() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Returns ConditionDefinition associated with this condition.
getDefinition(String) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.CutManager
Returns ConditionDefinition with the specified name.
getDefinition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
Returns ConditionDefinition associated with this condition.
getDefinitions() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.CutManager
Returns a set of all known condition definitions.
getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Returns a brief description of the condition.
getDescription() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Returns a brief description of the condition.
getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.NullInteractionHandler
getDescription() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Returns a one line description.
getDescription() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
getDescription() - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
getDeterminant() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
getDeterminant() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the determinant.
getDomain() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanConditionDefinition
Returns the domain of possible values for the condition.
getDomain() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Returns the domain of possible values for the condition.
getDomain() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleConditionDefinition
Returns the domain of possible values for the condition.
getDomain() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerConditionDefinition
Returns the domain of possible values for the condition.
getDomain() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongConditionDefinition
Returns the domain of possible values for the condition.
getDomain() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionDefinition
Returns the domain of possible values for the condition.
getDoubleVariable() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
Returns the value of a named variable.
getEnableBox() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
getEnabledConditions() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Returns a set of enabled conditions.
getExtent() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
getExtent() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
getExtent() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
getExtent() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
getExtent() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
getFeature(Class) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Returns the feature if available
getFlags() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
getFormat() - Method in class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
getFormat() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
getFormat() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
getGraphicsPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Returns the associated Graphics Panel.
getGraphicsPanel() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns the associated Graphics Panel.
getHeight() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
getHeight() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Returns the height of the interaction panel.
getHeight() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns height of plot.
getHideDisabledBox() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
getHigh() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleSliderEditor
Returns high bound of the range in slider coordinates.
getHighField() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
getIcon(String) - Static method in class hep.wired.image.WiredBaseImage
Returns an icon for given name, relative to this class.
getIcon(String, int) - Static method in class hep.wired.image.WiredBaseImage
Returns an icon for given name, relative to this class.
getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
getIcon(int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
getIcon(int) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Returns associated icon
getID() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredCompoundEdit
getID() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
getID() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
getID() - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
getID() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.WiredRegistry.ID
getID() - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
getImage(String) - Static method in class hep.wired.image.WiredBaseImage
Returns an image for given name, relative to this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
getInstance() - Static method in class hep.wired.interaction.NullInteractionHandler
getIntegerVariable() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
Returns the value of a named variable.
getInteractionHandler() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Return the current interaction handler.
getInteractionHandler() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.DelegatingInteractionHandler
getInteractionHandler() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Return the current interaction handler.
getInvertBox() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
getKeys() - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
getLastScale() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
getLeafIcon() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer.NoIconTreeCellRenderer
getLow() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleSliderEditor
Returns low bound of the range in slider coordinates.
getLowField() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
getMarkBox() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
getMarkedObjects() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Returns high bound of the acceptance range.
getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Returns high bound of the acceptance range.
getMaximum() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
getMaximum() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
getMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Returns low bound of the acceptance range.
getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Returns low bound of the acceptance range.
getMinimum() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
getMinimum() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
getMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
getModel() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
getModel() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTree
getModel() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
getModelTranslation(double[], ViewPort) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable
Returns Model translation from screen translation.
getName() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Returns the name of this definition.
getName() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Returns the name of this definition.
getName() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Returns the name of the cut.
getName() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
getName() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Returns the name of the plot.
getName() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
getName() - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
getName() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Returns the name of the Interaction Handler.
getName() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns the name of the plot.
getName() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.ViewPort
Returns the name of the View Port.
getName() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
getName() - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
getName() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
getName() - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
getNameLabel() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
getNode() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.MarkEvent
getNumber() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
getNumber() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
getNumber() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
getObject() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
getObject() - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
getOpenIcon() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer.NoIconTreeCellRenderer
getOrientation() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
getPaintLabels() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
getPaintTicks() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
getPaintTrack() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
getPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.ConditionEditor
Returns GUI for this editor.
getPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderEditor
getPanel() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionEditor
Returns GUI for this editor.
getPassThroughBox() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
getPayload() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.NoOperation
getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Reset
getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Scale
getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetScale
getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetTranslate
getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Shear
getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
getPresentationName() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Translate
getRecord() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Returns current record object.
getRecord() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Returns the Record displayed in this panel.
getRecord() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns the current Object.
getRecordPlot() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredCompoundEdit
Returns the record plot to which this edit was sent.
getRecordPlot() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
Returns the record plot to which this edit was sent.
getRecordPlot() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
getRedoString() - Method in class hep.wired.util.WiredUndoManager
getResetButton() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
getRoot() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
getRootPath() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
getRotateInstance(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns a rotate matrix to rotate theta radians over unit vector (nx, ny, nz).
getRotateInstance(double, double, double) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns a rotate matrix to rotate omega over the Z-axis, theta over the X-axis, followed phi over the Y-axis.
getRotation(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the angle and unit vector of the rotation matrix of this matrix.
getRowCount() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor.ConditionTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
getScale() - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable2D
Returns current scale
getScale() - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable3D
Returns current scale
getScaleX() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
getScaleX() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the sx value (m00).
getScaleY() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
getScaleY() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the sy value (m11).
getScaleZ() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the sz value (m22).
getScreenTranslation(double[], ViewPort) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable
Returns Screen translation from model translation.
getSelectedCondition() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
Returns currently selected condition.
getSelectedCut() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
getSelectionModel() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
getShape() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.AnimatedWiredEdit
Returns the initial shape.
getShapes(Shape, int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.AnimatedWiredEdit
Returns an array of 'frames' shapes deformed from the given initial shape.
getShapes(Shape, int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
getShapes(Shape, int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Scale
getShapes(Shape, int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Shear
getShapes(Shape, int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
getShapes(Shape, int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Translate
getShearX() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
getShearY() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
getSlider() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
getSortOnColumn() - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
getSource() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.MarkEvent
getStatus() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanCondition
Returns status string describing what attribute values satisfy this condition in its current state.
getStatus() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Returns status string describing what attribute values satisfy this condition in its current state.
getStatus() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Returns status string describing what attribute values satisfy this condition in its current state.
getStatus() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Returns status string describing what attribute values satisfy this condition in its current state.
getStatus() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
Returns status string describing what attribute values satisfy this condition in its current state.
getStatus() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
Returns status string describing what attribute values satisfy this condition in its current state.
getTranslate() - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable2D
Return current translation
getTranslate() - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable3D
Return current translation
getTranslateX() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
getTranslateX() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the tx value (m03).
getTranslateY() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
getTranslateY() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the ty value (m13).
getTranslateZ() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Returns the tz value (m23).
getTreeCellEditorComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellEditor
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer
getType() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanConditionDefinition
Returns the type of this condition.
getType() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Returns the type of this condition.
getType() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.ConditionEditor
Returns the type of condition handled by this editor.
getType() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleConditionDefinition
Returns the type of this condition.
getType() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerConditionDefinition
Returns the type of this condition.
getType() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongConditionDefinition
Returns the type of this condition.
getType() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionDefinition
Returns the type of this condition.
getType() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionEditor
Returns the type of condition handled by this editor.
getType() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableChangeEvent
getUndoableEditSupport() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Returns the undo support object, or null if undo was not switched on.
getUndoableEditSupport() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns the undo support object, or null if undo was not switched on.
getUndoString() - Method in class hep.wired.util.WiredUndoManager
getUnit() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Returns the unit name for conditions based on numerical value.
getUnit() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Returns the unit name for conditions based on numerical value.
getUnit() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
getUnit() - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
getUnit() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
getValue() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
getValue() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
getValue() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
getValue() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
getValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
getValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
getValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
getValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
getValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
getValue() - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor.ConditionTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
getValueIsAdjusting() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Returns valueIsAdjusting property.
getValueIsAdjusting() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Returns valueIsAdjusting property.
getValueIsAdjusting() - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedNumberRangeModel
getValueIsAdjusting() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
getValueIsAdjusting() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
getViewPort() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Returns the viewport for this panel.
getWidth() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
getWidth() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Returns the width of the interaction panel.
getWidth() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns width of plot.
getX() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns X of plot.
getY() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns Y of plot.
GraphicsPanel - Interface in hep.wired.services
Interface for panel to display.
GraphicsPanelEdit - Interface in hep.wired.edit
Interface for edits handled by changing the graphics panel.


HasBoundingBox - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can calculate a bounding box for the plot.
hashCode() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
Overridden to use interaction handler name to generate hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredXMLIOFactory
hashCode() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
hashCode() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
hasSelectedDecendents() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
hep.wired.cut - package hep.wired.cut
hep.wired.edit - package hep.wired.edit
Standard Edits.
hep.wired.feature - package hep.wired.feature
The feature interfaces, implemented by graphics panels, projections, etc.
hep.wired.image - package hep.wired.image
Icons and Cursors.
hep.wired.interaction - package hep.wired.interaction
Standard Interaction Handlers for plots.
hep.wired.plot - package hep.wired.plot
The WIRED plot and its support classes.
hep.wired.plugin - package hep.wired.plugin
hep.wired.scripting - package hep.wired.scripting
Standard Scripting Languages for WIRED.
hep.wired.services - package hep.wired.services
The Services provided by and to WIRED.
hep.wired.util - package hep.wired.util
hep.wired.util.slider - package hep.wired.util.slider
hep.wired.util.tree - package hep.wired.util.tree
hep.wired.util.tree.test - package hep.wired.util.tree.test
hep.wired.variable - package hep.wired.variable
hep.wired.viewport - package hep.wired.viewport
Standard Viewports.
hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster


init() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredBase
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
IntegerCondition - Class in hep.wired.cut
Condition based on comparison with integer range.
IntegerCondition(ConditionDefinition) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
IntegerCondition(ConditionDefinition, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
IntegerCondition(ConditionDefinition, int, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
IntegerCondition(ConditionDefinition, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
IntegerConditionDefinition - Class in hep.wired.cut
IntegerConditionDefinition(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.IntegerConditionDefinition
IntegerConditionDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.IntegerConditionDefinition
IntegerSliderEditor - Class in hep.wired.cut
IntegerSliderEditor(SliderPanel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.IntegerSliderEditor
IntegerVariable - Class in hep.wired.variable
IntegerVariable(String, Object, int, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
IntegerVariableSliderModel - Class in hep.wired.variable
IntegerVariableSliderModel() - Constructor for class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
IntegerVariableSliderModel(IntegerVariable) - Constructor for class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
InteractionHandler - Interface in hep.wired.services
Handles user interaction (Mouse and Keyboard) and dispatches edits to the plot.
InteractionMenu - Class in hep.wired.util
InteractionMenu() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.InteractionMenu
InteractionToolBar - Class in hep.wired.util
InteractionToolBar() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.InteractionToolBar
internalFrameActivated(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
internalFrameClosed(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
internalFrameClosing(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
internalFrameDeactivated(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
internalFrameDeiconified(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
internalFrameIconified(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
internalFrameOpened(InternalFrameEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
intervalAdded(ListDataEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
invalidateHasSelectedDescendants() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
invalidateHasUnmarkedDescendants() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
inverseDeltaTransform(double[]) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.ViewPort
Returns an array of length 3: xyz[] = inverse-viewport-delta(uvw[]).
inverseDeltaTransform(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
inverseTransform(double[]) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.ViewPort
Returns an array of length 3: xyz[] = inverse-viewport(uvw[]).
inverseTransform(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
isBranchComplete() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor.ConditionTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
isControlMetaDown(InputEvent) - Static method in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
isCutEnabled(Cut) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Returns true if the specified cut is enabled in this CutSet.
isCutInverted(Cut) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Returns true if the specified cut is inverted in this CutSet.
isEnabled() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Returns true is this condition is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Returns true is this condition is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Returns true if this CutSet is currently enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
isEnabled() - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
isEnabled() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
isExpanded() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
isHidden() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
isInUnmarkedBranch() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
isInverted() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Returns true is this condition is inverted.
isInverted() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Returns true is this condition is inverted.
isInverted() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Returns true if this CutSet is inverted.
isLogarithmic() - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
isMac() - Static method in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
isMarkedBranch() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
isMarkedNode() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
isMaximum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableChangeEvent
isMinimum() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableChangeEvent
isPassThrough() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Returns true if this CutSet is in "pass through" mode.
isSelected() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
isSortAscending() - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
isState() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableChangeEvent
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.FitToWindow
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in interface hep.wired.edit.GraphicsPanelEdit
Returns true if this edit is supported by the given graphics panel.
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Reset
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Scale
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetScale
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetTranslate
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Shear
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Translate
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.NullInteractionHandler
isSupportedBy(GraphicsPanel) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Returns true if this Interaction Handler is supported by this Graphics Panel.
isValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableChangeEvent


keys - Variable in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
keyTyped(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
keyTyped(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when a key is typed.


LongCondition - Class in hep.wired.cut
Condition based on comparison with long range.
LongCondition(ConditionDefinition) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
LongCondition(ConditionDefinition, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
LongCondition(ConditionDefinition, long, long) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
LongCondition(ConditionDefinition, boolean, boolean, long, long) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
LongConditionDefinition - Class in hep.wired.cut
LongConditionDefinition(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.LongConditionDefinition
LongConditionDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.LongConditionDefinition
lookup(Class) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.WiredRegistry
lookup(Class, String) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.WiredRegistry


main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.tree.test.BranchCheckBoxTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.tree.test.WiredTreeTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
markChanged(WiredTreeModel.MarkEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.MarkListener
Matrix2D - Class in hep.wired.util
A 2x3 matrix for projection of 2D space to 2D space.
Matrix2D() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Creates an identity matrix.
Matrix2D(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Creates a matrix with given parameters.
Matrix3D - Class in hep.wired.util
A 3x4 matrix for projections of 3D space to 3D space.
Matrix3D() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Creates an identity matrix.
Matrix3D(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Creates a matrix with given parameters.
MAX - Static variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableChangeEvent
menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
menuDragMouseDragged(MenuDragMouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
menuDragMouseEntered(MenuDragMouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
menuDragMouseExited(MenuDragMouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
menuDragMouseReleased(MenuDragMouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
menuKeyPressed(MenuKeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
menuKeyReleased(MenuKeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
menuKeyTyped(MenuKeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
metaKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
metaKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the meta/option key is pressed.
metaKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
metaKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the meta/option key is released.
MIN - Static variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableChangeEvent
modelTranslate(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Model-Translates by tx and ty.
modelTranslate(double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Model-Translates by tx, ty and tz.
modifyPopupMenu(JPopupMenu, Component, Point) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
modifyPopupMenu(JPopupMenu, Component, Point) - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
modifyPopupMenu(JPopupMenu, RecordPlot) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Allows for modification of the popup menu
mouseButton1Clicked(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
mouseButton1Clicked(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
mouseButton1Clicked(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
Translate point to center and zoom in (or out if alt key pressed).
mouseButton1Clicked(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
Zoom in (or out if alt key pressed).
mouseButton1Clicked(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
Centers the point you clicked on.
mouseButton1Clicked(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when mouse button 1 is clicked
mouseButton1DragEnded(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
mouseButton1DragEnded(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
mouseButton1DragEnded(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
mouseButton1DragEnded(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
Update end point of rectangle, translate and scale, and remove rectangle.
mouseButton1DragEnded(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
mouseButton1DragEnded(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
mouseButton1DragEnded(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
mouseButton1DragEnded(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when mouse button 1 is ending a drag
mouseButton1Dragged(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
mouseButton1Dragged(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
mouseButton1Dragged(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
mouseButton1Dragged(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
Update moving point of rectangle and draw.
mouseButton1Dragged(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
mouseButton1Dragged(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
mouseButton1Dragged(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
mouseButton1Dragged(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when mouse button 1 is dragged
mouseButton1DragStarted(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
mouseButton1DragStarted(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
mouseButton1DragStarted(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
mouseButton1DragStarted(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
Store starting point of rectangle.
mouseButton1DragStarted(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
mouseButton1DragStarted(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
mouseButton1DragStarted(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
mouseButton1DragStarted(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when mouse button 1 is starting a drag
mouseButton1Pressed(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
mouseButton1Pressed(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when mouse button 1 is pressed
mouseButton1Released(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
mouseButton1Released(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
mouseButton1Released(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
mouseButton1Released(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when mouse button 1 is released
mouseEntered(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
mouseEntered(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
mouseEntered(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
mouseEntered(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
mouseEntered(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
mouseEntered(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
mouseEntered(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
mouseEntered(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
mouseEntered(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.NullInteractionHandler
mouseEntered(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the mouse is entering the component
mouseExited(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
mouseExited(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the mouse is exitting the component
mouseMoved(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
mouseMoved(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
mouseMoved(RecordPlot, MouseEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the mouse is moved
mouseWheelMoved(RecordPlot, MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
mouseWheelMoved(RecordPlot, MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
mouseWheelMoved(RecordPlot, MouseWheelEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the mousewheel is moved
multiplyScale - Static variable in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
multiplyTranslate - Static variable in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler


NAME - Static variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
NoOperation - Class in hep.wired.edit
No Operation Edit, useful to fill a compound edit.
NoOperation() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.NoOperation
Creates a dummy operation, which can be used as placeholder.
NullEvent - Class in hep.wired.util
NullEvent which can be sent as substitute for KeyEvent or MouseEvent.
NullEvent(Component) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.NullEvent
Creates a null event with given component.
NullInteractionHandler - Class in hep.wired.interaction
NullInteractionHandler() - Constructor for class hep.wired.interaction.NullInteractionHandler
NumberSlider - Class in hep.wired.util.slider
FIXME WIRED-440 Should move to freehep-swing ?
NumberSlider() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
NumberSlider(int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
NumberSlider(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
NumberSlider(BoundedNumberRangeModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
NumberSlider(int, BoundedNumberRangeModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
NumberVariable - Class in hep.wired.variable
NumberVariable(String, Object, String, String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.variable.NumberVariable


onCopy() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
onDragAngledRectangleToScale(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
onDragBallToRotate(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
onDragRectangleToScale(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
onDragToRotate(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
onDragToScale(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
onDragToTranslate(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
onFitToWindow() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
onPrint() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
onPrintPreview() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
onPrintSetup() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
onRedo() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
onReset() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
onUndo() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
OptionButton - Class in hep.wired.util
OptionButton(String, String, Container, Component) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.OptionButton
otherKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
otherKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DefaultInteractionHandler
otherKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when any other key is pressed.
otherKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
otherKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when any other key is released.


pageClosed() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
pageDeiconized() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
pageDeselected() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
pageIconized() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
pageSelected() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
paint(Graphics) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
paint(Graphics) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
pass(Value) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanCondition
Returns true is the value satisfies this condition.
pass(Value) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Returns true is the value satisfies this condition.
pass(Map<String, Value>, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Tells the client whether this cut is satisfied by the supplied data.
pass(Map<String, Value>, Object, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Tells the client whether this cut is satisfied by the supplied data.
pass(Map<String, Value>, Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Returns true if the supplied data satisfies this CutSet.
pass(Map<String, Value>) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Returns true if the supplied data satisfies this CutSet.
pass(Value) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Returns true is the value satisfies this condition.
pass(Value) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Returns true is the value satisfies this condition.
pass(Value) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
Returns true is the value satisfies this condition.
pass(Value) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
Returns true is the value satisfies this condition.
Pnuts - Class in hep.wired.scripting
Interface implemented by a converter to create a script of edits in a certain language
Pnuts() - Constructor for class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
postEdit(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Handles an undoable edit, please use postEdit(WiredEdit).
postEdit(DoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Handles an doable edit, please use postEdit(WiredEdit).
postEdit(WiredEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Handles a Wired Edit.
postEdit(WiredCompoundEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Handles a Wired Compound Edit.
preConcatenate(Matrix2D) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Pre-concatenates this matrix with m, such that M' = m * M.
preConcatenate(Matrix3D) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Pre-concatenates this matrix with m, such that M' = m * M.
prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable


rangePropertiesChanged(BoundedDoubleRangeModel, double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
rangePropertiesChanged(BoundedIntegerRangeModel, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedIntegerRangeModel
RecordPlot - Interface in hep.wired.services
Defines a single event display plot.
RectangularViewPort - Class in hep.wired.viewport
Defines a Rectangular Viewport using x0, y0, width and height.
RectangularViewPort() - Constructor for class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
Creates a rectangular viewport of (0, 0, 800, 600).
RectangularViewPort(Rectangle2D, int, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
Creates a rectangular viewport from given rectangle.
RectangularViewPort(double, double, double, double, int, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
Creates a rectangular viewport from given parameters.
redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.NoOperation
redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Reset
redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Scale
redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetScale
redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetTranslate
redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Shear
redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
redoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Translate
remove() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Called when this definition is being deleted.
remove() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Signals to all registered conditions that this definition is being deleted.
remove(Condition) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Removes the specified condition from this cut.
remove() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Called when this Cut needs to be deleted.
remove(Cut) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Removes the specified cut from this CutSet.
remove(EventListener) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
Removes a listener from this multicaster and returns the resulting multicast listener.
remove(AncestorListener, AncestorListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(CaretListener, CaretListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(CellEditorListener, CellEditorListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(ChangeListener, ChangeListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(DocumentListener, DocumentListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(HyperlinkListener, HyperlinkListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(InternalFrameListener, InternalFrameListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(ListDataListener, ListDataListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(ListSelectionListener, ListSelectionListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(MenuDragMouseListener, MenuDragMouseListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(MenuKeyListener, MenuKeyListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(MenuListener, MenuListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(PopupMenuListener, PopupMenuListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(TableColumnModelListener, TableColumnModelListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(TableModelListener, TableModelListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(TreeExpansionListener, TreeExpansionListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(TreeModelListener, TreeModelListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(TreeSelectionListener, TreeSelectionListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(TreeWillExpandListener, TreeWillExpandListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
remove(UndoableEditListener, UndoableEditListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
removeAll() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Removes all conditions from this cut.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Removes change listener.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Removes change listener.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Removes a listener.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Removbes a change listener
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedNumberRangeModel
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
removeCondition(Condition) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Unregisters the specified Condition.
removeCondition(Condition) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Unregisters the specified Condition.
removeCutSet(CutSet) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Removes the specified CutSet from the list of known sets.
removeDisabled() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Removes disabled conditions from this cut.
removeFlag(WiredTreeNode.Flag) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
removeInternal(EventListener, EventListener) - Static method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
removeMarkListener(WiredTreeModel.MarkListener) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
removeSelectionPath(TreePath) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeSelectionModel
removeSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeSelectionModel
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
repaint() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
repaint() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Repaint the plot
requestFocusInWindow() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
requestFocusInWindow() - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Requests focus in plot
reset() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Resets condition to its default state.
reset() - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Resets condition to its default state.
reset() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Resets all conditions to their default state.
reset() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
Resets condition to its default state.
Reset - Class in hep.wired.edit
Resets the plot to its initial state.
Reset() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Reset
Creates a Reset edit.
reset(Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Resetable
Resets graphics panel to a new state or its initial state.
reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
reset(RecordPlot, InputEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called to reset the interaction handler in its initial state.
Resetable - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can be reset to its initial state.
resetValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
resetValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
resetValue() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
restore(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
restoreExpansionState() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTree
restoreValue(Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
restoreValue(Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
restoreValue(Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
restoreValue(Element) - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
Rotate - Class in hep.wired.edit
Rotates a plot in 2D or 3D.
Rotate() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
Creates a rotate edit with no rotation.
Rotate(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
Creates a rotate edit with given rotation.
Rotate(double, double, double, double, Shape, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
Creates a rotate edit with given rotation, animation shape and number of frames.
rotate(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Rotateable2D
Rotates viewpoint in Z-plane over theta radians.
rotate(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Rotateable3D
Rotate theta radians over unit vector (nx,ny,nz).
rotate(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Rotates theta radians.
rotate(double, double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Rotates theta radians over unit vector (nx, ny, nz).
Rotateable2D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can rotate viewpoint in Z-plane.
Rotateable3D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can rotate viewpoint over arbitrary vector in 3D.
rotateX(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Rotate phi radians over x-axis, where y to z is a positive rotation.
rotateY(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Rotate theta radians over y-axis, where z to x is a positive rotation.
rotateZ(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Rotate omega radians over z-axis, where x to y is a positive rotation.


save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
save(XMLIOManager, Element) - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
saveValue(Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
saveValue(Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
saveValue(Element) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
saveValue(Element) - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
Scale - Class in hep.wired.edit
Scales a plot in 2D or 3D.
Scale() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Scale
Creates a scale edit with no scaling done.
Scale(double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Scale
Creates a scale edit with uniform given scale factor.
Scale(double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Scale
Creates a scale edit with given scale factors.
Scale(double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Scale
Creates a scale edit with given scale factors.
Scale(double, double, double, Shape, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Scale
Creates a scale edit with given scale factor, animation shape and number of frames.
scale(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable
Scales by factor s.
scale(double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable2D
Scales by factor sx,sy.
scale(double, double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable3D
Scales by factor sx, sy, sz.
scale(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Scales by sx and sy.
scale(double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Scales by sx, sy and sz.
Scaleable - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can scale uniformely.
Scaleable2D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can scale in 2D.
Scaleable3D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can scale in 3D.
ScientificTable - Class in hep.wired.util
Improved table supporting, variable width columns, multi-type cells per column, Color as a celltype, sorting on columns, tooltips on cells, etc.
ScientificTable() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
ScientificTable(int, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
ScientificTable(Object[][], Object[]) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
ScientificTable(TableModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
ScientificTable(TableModel, TableColumnModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
ScientificTable(TableModel, TableColumnModel, ListSelectionModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
ScientificTable(Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
Script - Interface in hep.wired.services
Interface implemented by a converter to create a script of edits in a certain language
set(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanCondition
Does nothing since boolean condition criteria are unmodifiable.
set(Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Sets criteria to be used by this condition.
set(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Sets the acceptance range.
set(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Sets the acceptance range.
set(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
Sets the acceptance range.
set(Collection<String>) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
Sets the set of strings that satisfy this condition.
set(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
Sets criteria to be used by this condition.
setActionDelete(Action) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
setActionLoad(Action) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
setActionNew(Action) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
setActionSave(Action) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
setBorderPaintedFlat(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
setBranchComplete(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
setCellRenderer(TreeCellRenderer) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTree
setChanged() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
setCondition(Condition) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.ConditionEditor
Sets Condition to be edited.
setCondition(Condition) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderEditor
setCondition(Condition) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionEditor
Sets Condition to be edited.
setConditionEditor(ConditionDefinition.Type, ConditionEditor) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
setCursor(Cursor) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Sets the cursor of plot
setCut(Cut) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Sets the Cut this Condition belongs to.
setCut(Cut) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Sets the Cut this Condition belongs to.
setCut(Cut) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
setCutSet(CutSet) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
Sets CutSet to be edited.
setDefaultValue(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
setDefaultValue(int) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
setDefaultValue(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
setDefaultValue(int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedIntegerRangeModel
setDefaultValue(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
setDefaultValue(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
setDomain(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.BooleanConditionDefinition
Sets the domain of possible values for the condition.
setDomain(Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Sets the domain of possible values for the condition.
setDomain(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleConditionDefinition
Sets the domain of possible values for the condition.
setDomain(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleConditionDefinition
Sets the range of possible values for the condition.
setDomain(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerConditionDefinition
Sets the domain of possible values for the condition.
setDomain(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerConditionDefinition
Sets the range of possible values for the condition.
setDomain(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongConditionDefinition
Sets the domain of possible values for the condition.
setDomain(long, long) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongConditionDefinition
Sets the range of possible values for the condition.
setDomain(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionDefinition
Sets the domain of possible values for the condition.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Enables or disables this condition.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Enables or disables this condition.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Sets whether or not this CutSet is enabled.
setEnabled(Cut, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Sets whether or not the specified cut is enabled in this CutSet.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSetEditor
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.TitledPanel
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.AbstractVariable
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
setExpanded(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
setExtent(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
setExtent(int) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
setExtent(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
setExtent(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
setExtent(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
setFastMode(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Switches to a fast mode for drawing (optional).
setFlag(WiredTreeNode.Flag, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
setFlags(WiredTreeNode.Flag...) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
setFlags(EnumSet<WiredTreeNode.Flag>) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
setFormat(ScientificFormat) - Method in class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
setFormat(Format) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
setFormat(Format) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.TitledPanel
setInteractionHandler(InteractionHandler) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Sets interaction handler on this plot.
setInteractionHandler(InteractionHandler) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Sets the interaction handler on the plot.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
Sets inversion state of this condition.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.Condition
Sets inversion state of this condition.
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Sets whether or not this CutSet is inverted.
setInverted(Cut, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Sets whether or not the specified cut is inverted in this CutSet.
setKeys(List) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
setLogarithmic(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
setManager(CutManager) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
setMargin(Insets) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
setMarkedBranch(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
setMarkedNode(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
setMaximum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Sets high bound of the acceptance range.
setMaximum(int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Sets high bound of the acceptance range.
setMaximum(long) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
Sets high bound of the acceptance range.
setMaximum(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
setMaximum(int) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
setMaximum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
setMaximum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
setMaximum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
setMaximum(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
setMaximum(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
setMinimum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Sets low bound of the acceptance range.
setMinimum(int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Sets low bound of the acceptance range.
setMinimum(long) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
Sets low bound of the acceptance range.
setMinimum(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
setMinimum(int) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
setMinimum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
setMinimum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
setMinimum(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
setMinimum(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
setMinimum(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
setModel(SliderEditor) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Slider
setModel(SliderEditor) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
Sets Condition to be edited.
setModel(BoundedNumberRangeModel) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
setModel(TreeModel) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTree
setModel(WiredTreeModel, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTree
setModel(VariableSliderModel) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
setName(String) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Sets the name of this cut.
setOpaque(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
setOrientation(int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
setPageContext(PageContext) - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
setPaintLabels(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
setPaintTicks(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
setPaintTrack(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
setPathThrough(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Sets whether or not this CutSet is in "pass through" mode.
setPayload(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
setRange(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleCondition
Sets the acceptance range.
setRange(int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.IntegerCondition
Sets the acceptance range.
setRange(long, long) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.LongCondition
Sets the acceptance range.
setRangeProperties(double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
setRangeProperties(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
setRangeProperties(double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
setRangeProperties(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedIntegerRangeModel
setRangeProperties(double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
setRangeProperties(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
setRecord(RecordPlot, Object) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
setRecord(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Sets record to be displayed by this plot.
setRecord(Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Sets the Record to be displayed in this panel.
setRecord(RecordPlot, Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Sets the Record which is displayed in the GraphicsPanel.
setRecord(Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Sets the plot to use this Object.
setRecordPlot(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredCompoundEdit
To be called as part of the copy procedure to set the recordPlot variable.
setRecordPlot(RecordPlot) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
To be called as part of the copy procedure to set the recordPlot variable.
setRoot(TreeNode) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
setScale() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleSliderEditor
SetScale - Class in hep.wired.edit
Set Scale of a plot in 2D or 3D.
SetScale(double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.SetScale
setScale(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable
Set scale to factor s.
setScale(double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable2D
Set scales to factors sx,sy.
setScale(double, double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Scaleable3D
Set scales to factors sx, sy, sz.
setSelected(RecordPlot, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Called when this plot is selected or deselected.
setSelected(RecordPlot, boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Designates the panel as selected.
setSelected(RecordPlot, boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when underlying plot is selected/unselected.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Called when this plot is selected/unselected.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
setSelectionPath(TreePath) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeSelectionModel
setSelectionPaths(TreePath[]) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeSelectionModel
setSize(RecordPlot, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
setSize(RecordPlot, int, int) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Sets the size of the wired plot on the handler, to be able to move/resize objects drawn by the handler.
setState(BranchCheckBox.State) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
setTitle(String) - Method in class hep.wired.util.TitledPanel
SetTranslate - Class in hep.wired.edit
Set Translate a plot in 2D or 3D.
SetTranslate(double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.SetTranslate
Creates a translate edit with given translation in model units.
setTranslate(double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable2D
Set translate to tx and ty.
setTranslate(double, double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable3D
Set translate to tx, ty and tz.
setValue(double) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedDoubleRangeModel
setValue(int) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedIntegerRangeModel
setValue(double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
setValue(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
setValue(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
setValue(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
setValue(String) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariableSliderModel
setValue(Object) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
setValue(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
setValue(String) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariableSliderModel
setValue(Object) - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
setValue(String) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor.ConditionTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
Sets valueIsAdjusting property.
setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition
Sets valueIsAdjusting property.
setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Sets valueIsAdjusting property.
setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in interface hep.wired.util.slider.BoundedNumberRangeModel
setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.DefaultBoundedDoubleRangeModel
setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
setVariable(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
setVariable(double) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
setVariable(int) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
setVariable(Variable) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
setVariables(List) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.TitledPanel
Shear - Class in hep.wired.edit
Shears a plot in 2D.
Shear() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Shear
Creates a shear edit with no shearing.
Shear(double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Shear
Creates a shear edit with given shearing.
Shear(double, double, Shape, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Shear
Creates a shear edit with given shearing, animation shape and number of frames.
shear(double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Shearable2D
Shear using shx and shy.
shear(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Shears by shx and shy.
shear(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Shears by shx and shy.
Shearable2D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can shear in 2D.
shiftKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
shiftKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
shiftKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
shiftKeyPressed(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the shift key is pressed.
shiftKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.AbstractInteractionHandler
shiftKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
shiftKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
shiftKeyReleased(RecordPlot, KeyEvent) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.InteractionHandler
Called when the esc key is released.
shouldSelectCell(EventObject) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellEditor
showAnimation(int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.AnimatedWiredEdit
Shows frameNo in the plot by drawing its shape.
showAnimation(int) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
Called when the given frameNo is to be shown.
showConditionEditor(ConditionEditor) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
showConditionEditor(ConditionEditor) - Method in interface hep.wired.cut.CutManager
Displays pre-initialized condition editor.
size() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Returns the number of conditions in this cut.
size() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Returns the number of enabled cuts in this CutSet.
Slider - Class in hep.wired.cut
Slider() - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.Slider
Slider(SliderEditor) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.Slider
slider - Variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
SliderEditor - Class in hep.wired.cut
SliderEditor(SliderPanel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.SliderEditor
sliderName - Variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
SliderPanel - Class in hep.wired.cut
SliderPanel() - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
sliderReset - Variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
sliderUnit - Variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
sliderValue - Variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
sort(int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
SortableListTableModel - Class in hep.wired.util
Keeps a list sorted in place.
SortableListTableModel(String[], Class[], List) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.SortableListTableModel
startAnimation(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.AnimatedWiredEdit
Starts the animation by calling getShapes() to get the set of 'framed' shapes.
startAnimation(boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
Called when an animation is started.
STATE - Static variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableChangeEvent
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
Forwards the event to listeners if this CutSet is currently enabled.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.SliderEditor
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionEditor
Responds to events from ConditionDefinition.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.slider.NumberSlider
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
StringCondition - Class in hep.wired.cut
Condition based on comparison with String set.
StringCondition(StringConditionDefinition) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
StringCondition(StringConditionDefinition, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
StringCondition(StringConditionDefinition, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
StringCondition(StringConditionDefinition, boolean, boolean, Collection<String>) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.StringCondition
StringConditionDefinition - Class in hep.wired.cut
StringConditionDefinition(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionDefinition
StringConditionDefinition(String, String, String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionDefinition
StringConditionEditor - Class in hep.wired.cut
StringConditionEditor() - Constructor for class hep.wired.cut.StringConditionEditor
supports(InteractionHandler) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Returns true if this plot (and its projection) supports the specified interaction handler.
supports(UndoableEdit) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Returns true if given edit is supported, which may depend on the current graphics panel.
supports(Class) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.GraphicsPanel
Return true if feature is available
supports(InteractionHandler) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.RecordPlot
Returns true if this plot (and its projection) supports the given interactionHandler.
SwingEventMulticaster - Class in hep.wired.util
A class which implements efficient and thread-safe multi-cast event dispatching for the SWING events defined in the javax.swing.event package.
SwingEventMulticaster(EventListener, EventListener) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
synchronize(Collection<ConditionDefinition>) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
Removes conditions whose definitions are not in the supplied collection, creates and adds disabled condition for every definition from the collection that is not already used by this cut.


tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.ScientificTable
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
test - Variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
TitledPanel - Class in hep.wired.util
TitledPanel(String, Component) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.TitledPanel
TitledPanel(String, Component, Component) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.TitledPanel
TitledPanel(String, Component, Component[]) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.TitledPanel
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.AnimatedWiredEdit
Returns a string representation of the edit.
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Scale
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetScale
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetTranslate
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Shear
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Translate
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredCompoundEdit
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragAngledRectangleToScale
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragBallToRotate
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToRotate
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToScale
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragToTranslate
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
toString(FitToWindow) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
toString(NoOperation) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
toString(Reset) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
toString(Rotate) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
toString(Scale) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
toString(Shear) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
toString(Transform2D) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
toString(Translate) - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.scripting.Pnuts
toString(FitToWindow) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
toString(NoOperation) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
toString(Reset) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
toString(Rotate) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
toString(Scale) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
toString(Shear) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
toString(Transform2D) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
toString(Translate) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.Script
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.util.NullEvent
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.MarkEvent
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.BooleanVariable
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.DoubleVariable
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.variable.IntegerVariable
toString() - Method in interface hep.wired.variable.Variable
toString() - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
transform(double[]) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.ViewPort
Returns an array of length 3: uvw = viewport(xyz).
transform(double[][], int) - Method in interface hep.wired.services.ViewPort
Returns an array of length 3*n: uvw[][n] = viewport(xyz[][n]).
transform(double[], boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Transforms xyz by this matrix, using translation if delta is false.
transform(double[][], int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Transforms xyz by this matrix for n points, using translation if delta is false.
transform(double[], boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Transforms xyz by this matrix, using translation if delta is false.
transform(double[][], int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Transforms xyz by this matrix for n points, using translation if delta is false.
transform(double[]) - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
transform(double[][], int) - Method in class hep.wired.viewport.RectangularViewPort
Transform2D - Class in hep.wired.edit
Transforms a plot in 2D.
Transform2D() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
Creates a transform edit with no changes.
Transform2D(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
Creates a transform edit with given scaling, shearing and translation.
Transform2D(double, double, double, double, double, double, Shape, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
Creates a transform edit with given scaling, shearing, translation, animation shape and number of frames.
Transformable2D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can be transformed in 2D, meaning Scaleable2D, Shearable2D, Translateable2D and Rotateable2D.
Transformable3D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can be transformed in 3D, meaning Scaleable3D, Translateable3D and Rotateable3D.
Translate - Class in hep.wired.edit
Translates a plot in 2D or 3D.
Translate() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Translate
Creates a translate edit with no translation.
Translate(double, double, double) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Translate
Creates a translate edit with given translation in model units.
Translate(double, double, double, Shape, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.Translate
Creates a translate edit with given translation in model units, animation shape and number of frames.
translate(double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable2D
Translate over tx and ty.
translate(double, double, double) - Method in interface hep.wired.feature.Translateable3D
Translate over tx, ty and tz.
translate(double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix2D
Translates by tx and ty.
translate(double, double, double) - Method in class hep.wired.util.Matrix3D
Translates by tx, ty and tz.
Translateable - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can calculate translations from screen and model.
Translateable2D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can translate in 2D.
Translateable3D - Interface in hep.wired.feature
Can translate in 3D.
translateAndScale(RecordPlot, Rectangle2D, boolean) - Static method in class hep.wired.interaction.DragRectangleToScale
treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
treeWillCollapse(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
treeWillExpand(TreeExpansionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster


U - Static variable in interface hep.wired.util.UVWindices
Index for U in uvw
undoableEditHappened(UndoableEditEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
undoableEditHappened(UndoableEditEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
undoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.NoOperation
undoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Reset
undoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Rotate
undoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Scale
undoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetScale
undoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.SetTranslate
undoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Shear
undoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Transform2D
undoEdit() - Method in class hep.wired.edit.Translate
UNIT - Static variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
updateFromSlider(int, int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleSliderEditor
Called by ConditionSlider when its knobs have been moved.
updateFromSliderHigh(int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleSliderEditor
Called by ConditionSlider when its high knob has been moved.
updateFromSliderLow(int, boolean) - Method in class hep.wired.cut.DoubleSliderEditor
Called by ConditionSlider when its low knob has been moved.
updateUI() - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox
UVWindices - Interface in hep.wired.util
Constants for indices into UVW arrays.


V - Static variable in interface hep.wired.util.UVWindices
Index for V in uvw
VALUE - Static variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableChangeEvent
VALUE - Static variable in class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent) - Method in class hep.wired.util.SwingEventMulticaster
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum hep.wired.cut.Cut.Result
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode.Flag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum hep.wired.cut.ConditionDefinition.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum hep.wired.cut.Cut.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum hep.wired.util.tree.BranchCheckBox.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode.Flag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Variable - Interface in hep.wired.variable
VariableChangeEvent - Class in hep.wired.variable
VariableChangeEvent(Object, int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.variable.VariableChangeEvent
VariableSlider - Class in hep.wired.variable
VariableSlider(VariableSliderModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.variable.VariableSlider
VariableSliderModel - Class in hep.wired.variable
VariableSliderModel() - Constructor for class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
VariableSliderModel(Variable) - Constructor for class hep.wired.variable.VariableSliderModel
VariableTableModel - Class in hep.wired.variable
VariableTableModel() - Constructor for class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
VariableTableModel(List) - Constructor for class hep.wired.variable.VariableTableModel
ViewPort - Interface in hep.wired.services
Transforms coordinates in a world-unit system (X,Y,Z) with intervals (-1,1) into screen coordinates (U,V,W).
visit(WiredTreeNode) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visit(TreePath) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitNodes(WiredTreeNode) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitNodes(WiredTreeNode, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitNodes(WiredTreeNode, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitNodes(WiredTree) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitNodes(WiredTree, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitNodes(WiredTree, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitNodes(WiredTreeModel) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitNodes(WiredTreeModel, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitNodes(WiredTreeModel, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitPaths(TreePath) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitPaths(TreePath, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitPaths(TreePath, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitPaths(WiredTree) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitPaths(WiredTree, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitPaths(WiredTree, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitPaths(WiredTreeModel) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitPaths(WiredTreeModel, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
visitPaths(WiredTreeModel, int, int) - Method in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor


W - Static variable in interface hep.wired.util.UVWindices
Index for W in uvw
WiredBase - Class in hep.wired.plugin
Defines the Library plugin for use in JAS3.
WiredBase() - Constructor for class hep.wired.plugin.WiredBase
WiredBaseCommandHandler - Class in hep.wired.plugin
Defines a command handler for base commands.
WiredBaseCommandHandler(WiredBase) - Constructor for class hep.wired.plugin.WiredBaseCommandHandler
WiredBaseImage - Class in hep.wired.image
Facility class to load Images, Icons and Cursors.
WiredCompoundEdit - Class in hep.wired.edit
Class for a compound edit.
WiredCompoundEdit(String) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.WiredCompoundEdit
Creates an empty composite edit with given name.
WiredEdit - Class in hep.wired.edit
Base class for a non-animated single edit.
WiredEdit() - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
Creates an Edit with zero frames.
WiredEdit(int) - Constructor for class hep.wired.edit.WiredEdit
Creates and edit with given frames.
WiredPage - Class in hep.wired.plugin
Defines a page with one plot for inclusion in JAS.
WiredPage(String, RecordPlot, CommandProcessor) - Constructor for class hep.wired.plugin.WiredPage
WiredPlot - Class in hep.wired.plot
Defines a single event display plot.
WiredPlot(GraphicsPanel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Creates a plot without a record.
WiredPlot(String, GraphicsPanel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Creates a plot with default GraphicsMode.
WiredPlot(String, GraphicsPanel, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlot
Creates a plot with given parameters.
WiredPlotCommandHandler - Class in hep.wired.plot
Defines a command handler for plot commands.
WiredPlotCommandHandler(RecordPlot) - Constructor for class hep.wired.plot.WiredPlotCommandHandler
Creates a command handler attached to the plot.
WiredRegistry - Class in hep.wired.util
Utility class to lookup values in the registry.
WiredRegistry.ID - Interface in hep.wired.util
WiredTree - Class in hep.wired.util.tree
WiredTree(WiredTreeModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTree
WiredTree(WiredTreeNode) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTree
WiredTree(WiredTreeNode, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTree
WiredTreeCellEditor - Class in hep.wired.util.tree
WiredTreeCellEditor(WiredTree) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellEditor
WiredTreeCellRenderer - Class in hep.wired.util.tree
WiredTreeCellRenderer(WiredTree) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer
WiredTreeCellRenderer(WiredTree, TreeCellRenderer) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer
WiredTreeCellRenderer.NoIconTreeCellRenderer - Class in hep.wired.util.tree
WiredTreeCellRenderer.NoIconTreeCellRenderer() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer.NoIconTreeCellRenderer
WiredTreeModel - Class in hep.wired.util.tree
WiredTreeModel(WiredTreeNode) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
WiredTreeModel(WiredTreeNode, boolean) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
WiredTreeModel.MarkEvent - Class in hep.wired.util.tree
WiredTreeModel.MarkEvent(WiredTreeModel) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.MarkEvent
WiredTreeModel.MarkEvent(WiredTreeModel, WiredTreeNode) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.MarkEvent
WiredTreeModel.MarkListener - Interface in hep.wired.util.tree
WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor - Class in hep.wired.util.tree
Convenience class that simplifies visiting nodes of a WiredTree.
WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
WiredTreeNode - Class in hep.wired.util.tree
WiredTreeNode(Object, WiredTreeNode.Flag...) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
WiredTreeNode(Object, EnumSet<WiredTreeNode.Flag>) - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
WiredTreeNode.Flag - Enum in hep.wired.util.tree
WiredTreeSelectionModel - Class in hep.wired.util.tree
WiredTreeSelectionModel() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeSelectionModel
WiredTreeTest - Class in hep.wired.util.tree.test
WiredTreeTest() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.tree.test.WiredTreeTest
WiredUndoManager - Class in hep.wired.util
WiredUndoManager() - Constructor for class hep.wired.util.WiredUndoManager
WiredXMLIOFactory - Class in hep.wired.plugin
Defines a XMLIO factory for a set of classes.
WiredXMLIOFactory(Class) - Constructor for class hep.wired.plugin.WiredXMLIOFactory


X - Static variable in interface hep.wired.util.XYZindices
Index for X in xyz
XMLIOFactoryClasses() - Method in class hep.wired.plugin.WiredXMLIOFactory
XYZindices - Interface in hep.wired.util
Constants for indices into XYZ arrays.


Y - Static variable in interface hep.wired.util.XYZindices
Index for Y in xyz


Z - Static variable in interface hep.wired.util.XYZindices
Index for Z in xyz


_actAdd - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_actDelete - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_actDeleteAll - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_actDeleteDisabled - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_actions - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_actNew - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_actReset - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_actResetAll - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_actSync - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_applyBox - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
_applyImmediately - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.SliderEditor
_branchBox - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer
_component - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer
_condition - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.ConditionEditor
_conditionEditors - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_conditions - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
_currentEditor - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_defaultEvent - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
_defaultEvent - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
_defaultName - Static variable in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
_definition - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
_description - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
_editRow - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_enabled - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
_enabled - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_enabled - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
_eventsPending - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
_flag - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
_hide - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_highField - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
_inverted - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
_inverted - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
_lowField - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
_manager - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_markBox - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
_markListener - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTree
_maxLevel - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
_minLevel - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.TreeVisitor
_model - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_name - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
_nameLabel - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
_node - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer
_node - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.MarkEvent
_nodeBox - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer
_passThrough - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutSet
_payload - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeNode
_renderer - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellEditor
_renderer - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer
_resetButton - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
_selection - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel
_set - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractCondition
_slider - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.SliderPanel
_sorter - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_source - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeModel.MarkEvent
_strut - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellRenderer
_table - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_tableSelectionListener - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.CutEditor
_tree - Variable in class hep.wired.util.tree.WiredTreeCellEditor
_unit - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
_valueIsAdjusting - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.AbstractConditionDefinition
_valueIsAdjusting - Variable in class hep.wired.cut.Cut
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